<Live.Love.Laugh.Learn>♥ profile picture


i guess you don't care as much as i thought...

About Me

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I'd like to meet:

The <=name=> is LyNNy
Show me how<[u>DEFENSELESS]you really are.
I'm pretty straight forward with things and i'm not afraid to tell things like they truly are. I do drugs when I feel[alone]and hurt myself when i feel[insecure].It doesnt make me a bad person;i'm actually a decent human being with an even better personality when you get to know me. **Just remember things aren't always as they appear, everyone deserves a second chance and you shouldnt judge before you know. ~*~*~*~ I'm not[PERFECT],even though i try to be. Neither is anyone else, no matter how hard they try. Society shouldn't set their standards on
|P E R F E C T I O N|.

I'm going to be my own <[b>DESTRUCTION]


    Blood[self.mutilation] GLoWSTiX[color.my.world] Tattoos[Scarifications]:Total so far:6 Piercings+:Total:12++MORE COMING SOON++ The Dark/+/The Rain Biting[scratching]Razors[Needles] [Temper.Tantrums]just so people can spoil me MORE.♥ Dyeing my hair and doing my make-up. Dancing[stupidly]in front of NO ONE and everyone at the same time. Trying to get in[peoples.pants] Tokin' up.[Smoking.MJ].Flyin' high. Being with the ones I love:
    *♥Chris Lee.♥*♥Gaby*David*Lea*Russel*Bryant *Aj*Robert*Brandon *Jessica&Juan*E.(Ricky)*Ashley Lozano*Ashley Sherrod*Andrea*Becca*++Anyone I care About++


  • Bitches who Talk Shit.
  • The little boy who stole my lollipop when I was seven.
  • People:
  • [I.dont.know]who try to get in my Pants.
  • Don't LIke
  • try to tell me howshould be.
  • judge me before they know
  • Take the fun out of LiFE.
  • Buzz Killers.
  • Animal abusers.
  • Orange Peels.

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    err...what else is new..

                            1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 ge7 l41d ...
    Posted by [[Live.Love.Laugh.Learn]]♥ on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 01:48:00 PST

    you take me for granted

    [[DeAR fRiEnDs&&FaMiLy]]i'm fucking sick and tired of you taking me for granted.i'm sick of feeling like im so invisibleall you people do is pull not push, u take and dont give. i hate the way...
    Posted by [[Live.Love.Laugh.Learn]]♥ on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 11:02:00 PST