Colitis profile picture


About Me

Today the 26 of april 2009 Colitis released their first single "zofe bashamim" from their first album "bin sidkai hakir", the single was distributed to radio stations nationwide and will hopefully enter the playlist around may. In the meanwhile enjoy this live concert videoclip of the song:

Colitis is a classical rock band, mostly influenced by
70's classical rock band such as Pink Floyd, Deep Purple,
Led Zepellin, The Who, Jetro Tull, King Crimson and others.
Altough they stay truthful to that style colitis add their own
Touch, vibe and aggressive sound making their music
Sound a bit heavier than typical classical rock.
The band has been working independently since 2003
on their promo album named:

"Bin Sdakai Hakir"

And just finished all recording, editing and mixing.
The band is in contacts with music labels in israel
Hoping to sign a distribution contract.
The album consists of 12 songs which tell the story
And life experiences of dudi sarusi,
Dudi tells about the loss of his father,
The murder of his cousin during a terror act,
His own struggles and views of life and lost love...
In the album colitis has two guest appearances:
Yonatan Weiss - Side Flute on "Bin Sdakai Hakir"
Asaf - Violin on "Hosheh"
Colitis performing shine on you crazy diamond in memory of the late Syd Barrett, barbi tel aviv 12-08-06:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Yet another self-produced video, this time for the song "Hahofaha mathila":
Check out our second videoclip for the song "Tov ve Tov", this one is also self-produced:
Check out our new self-produced videoclip "Linoy":
and our old video tov ve tov:
Hahofaha Histaima, this one is a little mix of some rehersals footage i have:

My Interests


Member Since: 11/5/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Dudi Sarusi - Vocals and Acoustic Guitar

Udi Fogelzang - Vocals and Keyboards

Avishay Mizrav - Guitars

Eyal Sharf - Bass

Itay Waiss - Drums
Influences: Music
Sounds Like: How we like it and how it should be.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

New videoclip - "Linoy"

Hi everyone,We've been working in the past few weeks on a new videoclip.The song name is linoy, dudi wrote this song about his niess who was killed in a terorist act 4 years ago.I'm proud to say that ...
Posted by on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 02:55:00 GMT

Colitis Video Clips

Hi everyone!Its time for some videos!!!!!!Tov Ve Tov: Hahofaha Estaima - Rehersal video: - a c...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 04:37:00 GMT

There is no reason to wait...

Well, its been more then a week now and they didn't convert my page to a band page yet.So i decided to put some direct links to our music on our website:Hogeg ShanaHoshehBin Sdakei HakirTov Ve Tov
Posted by on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 01:02:00 GMT

We are here and we are going to stay!

Hello guyz,We're glad to join the world of my space!And we welcome you all to join us!As soon as i get the premition to change my page to a band page i'll start uploading songs and pictures....
Posted by on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 04:42:00 GMT