I am Anakin Skywalker and I'm The Chosen One of the Jedi. I am married to the most wonder woman there is Padme. I am one of the most powerful jedi ever. I started training to become a jedi by Obi-Wan Kenobi when i was just a little boy. Me and Padme were united on Nabbo, but our relashionship was kept secret because Jedi werent allowed to love, they had to be selfless, fear and worry of loved ones can not interfere!"Fear is a path to the darkside. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate....leads to suffering." I am now confused and worried. Padme is pregnet and i am having futuristic dreams that she will die in child birth. Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious said he has a way to save her. But i will have to become a sith to do it. So i gave in and became Darth Vader. I was so confused that Darth Sidious said all the Jedi had turned against me and that i needed to kill them. I took Clone Troops with me to the Jedi Temple and I did as i was told. Then on Mustafar i killed all the Sepratist leaders and ended up turning on Padme and the final duel between Obi-Wan went on and that was the end of me Anakin Skywalker.I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (www.strikefile.com/myspace)Take the quiz: "Which Star Wars character are you?"
Your the Chosen One! Be careful because you could really go eaither way! Born a slave boy you have become one of the greatest Jedi who ever lived, and had the most profound impact on the Clone Wars. But because of your temper your wife (a senator) hides your twin children. You become corrupted by your ambitions for power and become Vader. You could have been so much more.