Hi. My name is Lucy.
I am a music student. I play the Cello, which i am completely and utterly in love with/obsessed with, and love playing immensly. I am currently undertaking a Bachelor of Music Performance course at the Victorian College of the Arts, in Melbourne, which is just the greatest.
I really REALLY love classical music, along with other kinds of music, but i predominantly listen to this genre. (see "music").
Melbourne is a beautiful city. I really enjoy discovering new streets and shops with Nish, and getting into as many free places as possible. And also getting as many free samples and other such things as possible. I always enjoy my time with Pishy.
Bec is my cooking and candle-making friend. We are chem buddies, back in the day of year 12, and now we enjoy making many a candle together at her place. Good fun. It is also nice when she cooks, because i cant cook to save my life. I do the cleaning.
I LOVE the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, they are the greatest orchestra in existance. It is my goal and dream to be a cellist in that orchestra one day. Heres hoping!
My best friend, Em, who is a brilliant Double Bassist, and goes to the VCA with me, loves the MSO as well. And is also in love with a 5-string, and a certain tufty potplant. Not only are we besties, we are also tattoo buddies. Aren't we cool?!
I have the greatest friends a gal could ever hope for. They range from bordering on clinically insane (you know who you are), to the kindest and most genuinly sincere and nice people i know. They all mean the world to me.
My family are pretty cool too. most of the time.
My msn is [email protected]