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I am here for Friends

About Me

IM me sometime, I like getting random IM's (AIM is "xzylord")...Anyway, I suppose I aught to put somthing here. Well, I go to the University of Southern Indiana, where I triple major in Partying, Drinking, and Graphics Design. I'm an initiated brother of the greatest fraternity ever, Alpha Sigma Phi. All of my brothers rock more ass than humanly possable, and it is good.On the other hand, I'm also a gigantic nerd. I heartily support the Free and Open Source Software movement. I'm always on the computer, either IM'ing, surfing the web, or playing some game.

My Interests

Alpha Sigma Phi, Partying, Drinking, Free/ Open Source Software, Gaming (Guild Wars, Diablo II: LOD, the occational first person shooter), Reading Science Fiction, and Fantasy that dosen't suck, Libertarianism, Food (oh god yes food, I'm like a walking eating machine), all kinds of other shit, just IM be and ask.


Most Metal and like generas, Rage Against the Machine, Smash Mouth, White Stripes, Green Day, Sublime, a bunch of random individual songs... I'm not really that big into the whole music thing, but I like to listen to some of it occationally... and really, isn't that really what music is all about?


Oh sooo many, but heres a select listing: Serenity, Sin City, The Matrix (first one, the sequals are sequentially worse), Animal House, Underworld, Chronicles of Riddick, Starwars (origional three, the new ones suck balls), Lord of the Rings, Dodgeball, The Godfather, Ghost in the Shell and Cowboy Bebop (saw 'em at the now defunct artsy movie place in Castleton, god I loved that place), XXX, and so many more that I can't think of.


Firefly, some random anime (which annoys me more and more and I watch less an d less of these days, oh how I long for the simple days of Gundam 0083 and Cowboy Bebop, the Japanese know their Sci Fi, but all this other shit is trash), Adult Swim FTW (Aqua Teen, Harvey Birdman, Sealab, VENTURE BROTHERS!), and some other stuff I watch occationally, I don't watch much in the way of TV anymore though...


Lots and lots of Science Fiction and Modern Fantasy, specific authors include: Peter F. Hamilton, Jim Butcher, John Ringo, Heinlein (god of modern Science Fiction), John Varley and a bunch of other sci fi and fantasy authors I can't name off of the top of my head.

My Blog

Setting Background Alpha

The FallThe Fall, known outside of North America as World War III, was a turning point in history. Like the World Wars before it, the Fall ushered in a new era in technology, and changed the face of ...
Posted by max on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 05:17:00 PST


Ok, here's the deal.  I want to start writing my book again.  Some of you have heard of it, some of you I've discuessed it in length with, and some of you had no clue I've had a project like...
Posted by max on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:34:00 PST