Woot Promotions hails from Birmingham, AL and specializes in helping unsigned bands launch a full scale assault on the potential fan. By assisting in booking, performance enhancing tips, photography, press kit preparation, as well as helping you find the right studio to record a quality demo, we are your one stop shop for getting and keeping fans.
We realize for most of you it’s not about the money, it’s about your art, your voice, or your passion being heard by the masses. Unfortunately in this day and age, to be heard you gotta know a few of the right people who make up those masses. Remember, it’s true what they say: It’s not who you are, it’s who you know. There’s no truer statement.
Sign with Woot Promotions. Let us introduce you to the right somebodies, get your voice heard, and in case one day it does become about the money, let us help make you some!
To speak with an agent please contact Woot Promotions at:
[email protected]
Please include the following info in your e-mails:
1. A link to your Myspace and/or Sonicbids account.
2. Contact info with day and night time phone numbers.
3. Member list with ages.
4. Tell us what exactly you want Woot Promotions to make happen for your band.
**Please note: Woot Promotions is a business. We work very hard for you, but will not hesitate to drop you if you don’t work for you as well. If you’re not serious you can’t expect us to be**