chatting, watching hOrror mOvies wiht frEndz.. eating of cOurse.. texting... and playing badmintOn.. alsO making frEndz.. luv u aLL gUyz..
well, i dO like pEepZ whO are cOoL and fun to be with.. nOt bOring... knOw what i mean!!!! and a little bit wHolesOme..... and hOnest.. i mEan jUz be trUe 2 uRself gUyz..
barbie's cradles music... beyOnce.. micheLLe branch.. RNB.. sOmkind of senti.. sLOw rOck... meLOw.. lhat na... hehehe!!
hOrror... scary movie, the phone, lotz Of dEm... lizzie mcguire alsO.. itz cOol u knOw..
harry pOtter.. 2 kill a mocking bird.. hehehe!!! wata? sabrina.. the twins..