While music drifts out of my studio letting other the artists down the hall know I'm there...etchings and wood engravings occur and photo realistic watercolors evolve. All art work copyrighted and prices available by request. Just ask.When creating a painting I'm remembering and offering emotions and mood of that place, hopefully evoking more senses than just how a place looked-but also it's scent,the touch of breezes and soft swish of tall grasses-or the sound of a hoof echoing from a stall years vacant, and the warmth of a late summer sun...There's also the creative process-that of choosing which exact color to mix and overlap-as well as the overall layer of the music doing it's part of creativity of mood.. It all filters down, distilling into a finished work of art.I paint on d'Arches hot press 300 lb wt watercolor paper, and finishing a watercolor with fine detail work which often includes gouache paint(opaque watercolors)creating a distinctive 3D effect on a 2D surface..It isn't unusual for me to spend up to 80 or 90 hours on just one painting, because for me details are the fun part-but arriving at the point I find myself painting in any bugs or poison ivy--it's time to put the brush up and think about framing it-because it's probably Done.I used to paint "on location" but that had to stop, as the farmers would show up and fix things--hurriedly looking over their shoulder as they nailed fences and drain spouts back into place. It seems no one liked my capturing their farm in such an unmended state; because I painted it photo-realistically, other farmers would recognize it was THEIR farm that needed tending--in a PAINTING. It was like being caught with unmade beds. So now I do a quick run with my 35 mm camera..but I suspect now they call each other up-like a Prayer Chain-because by the 5th barn--they're again hurriedly hammering and looking over their shoulder--and I again have to move on to another part of the Hancock County.This has worked in my favor as I get to avoid heat in summer-cold in winter-bugs-sunburn-frostbite---and I get to paint in comfort with music and air conditioning and work at my own pace.....so it may be Eva Cassidy I think of when looking at this painting--or Yo Yo Ma's cello with another....And the lighting never changes in my studio as the day passes.Both music and art create imagery--and pleasantly layer nicely together in the creative process...Music needs someone to sing and play to create it-as much as it needs a listener..same with art-my paintings need observers.A new development in my studio is the Griffin Intaglio Press..Paintings that take 80-90 hours to complete are counter productive for making a living--so I've begun also creating original hand pulled etchings and wood engravings..All art processes are interesting--and have a strong draw for me--but I will always be a watercolor painter-it's what I do..how I see..and breath.Anyone interested in the art you see, visiting my studio-or taking classes I'm in downtown Findlay Ohio..just contact.
The Ultimate Princess Bride Tribute