leaven the drama on day time Tv profile picture

leaven the drama on day time Tv

i been around the world an i ya ya an i can't find my baby

About Me

wuz poopin. my name iz kasalle. my friends call me cool as hell kasalle. im from east orange NJ. but i live n hampton VA. so i rep the 757 all day long. my hood is lower aberdeen aka LA. people tell me im the funnies person they kno, so i guess im funny. but please don't try and joke me cuz i got a 1,000,000,001 come backs and ur feelings gonna get hurt. im not lookin for that someone im only 19 years old, so im lookin for a close friends, i love girls oh play ball so yall need to get at me.. I LOVE TO PLAY BASKETBALL. but im a football player. and yall gonna b hearin my name next year. outside of my niggah from the deen, my inner circle is tight,and all my kidz in my GMC 2k sprang ill will al mufuckin fred briggz Twan P lil steve ill will son o an i cant forget TY die aka TD, and my ladys i love so much ms. ashley and ms.lonea b-side's that MISS LV an her crew, my lil son day day hailey, 4rel (1 of the last real niggas n the world) all my bethel heads. and like i said before 757 ALL DAY LONG. love and live life to the fullestI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Wayne Wonder - No Letting Go

Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com

playin ball and rollin up
how long have you played bball? since the early 90's
who do you wanna/ or try to play like? shawn may or shaq
what is your number and why? 42 0r 54 42 is s. may ..
fav bball movie? sunset park or love and basketball
do you have handles? u know wit
have you ever been dunked on? when u play with the best u mite get dunk on
can you dunk? not no more
are u deadly from beyond the arc? hell yeah
do you put ppl on lock down with your d? hell yeah my d crazy
what shoes do you roc? j's or shaq's
do you hate practice? who doesn't
Pick a Clutch: Robert Horry, Kobe, or Tracy McGrady dirk
fav and 1 street ball player? AO or main
fav bball legend? tom chambers, barkel, k.johnson, magic johnson, mike jordan, kareem abdul- jabar, kareem the dream, drexler, or dr. j
fav college team? texas go long horns
fav college player? rite now its pj tucker or rudy gay
fav nba team? what ever team shqa on so the heat
fav nba player? shaq or dirk
should there be an age minimum in the nba? no, if u nice u nice
Melo or LeBron? melo, lebron just got up's
if you could play with 4 other ppl who would they be? its so many i could say, but fred, ill will, skis, and t-time and will beat anybody
Pick a little big guy: Earl Boykins, Nate Robinson, Jameer Nelson jameer nelson
Pick a Shooter: JJ Redick, Salim Stoudamire, Gerry McNamara salim stoudamire.
Lakers of 2000s or Bulls of the 90s? the 93-94 magic or the 95-96 suns
Pick a PG: Aaron Miles, Chris Paul, Dee Brown chris paul
Which Conf is the strongest PAC 10, BIG 12, ACC, SEC, BIG EAST? BIG 12
Best player you have ever played against? tony rutlandhe played with AI at bethel
Biggest upset in 05 bracket: Kansas/Bucknell, Syracuse/Vermont, WVA/Wake duke upset texas
should college athletes get paid? hell yeah no time for a job


I'd like to meet:

shaq and 36

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anything by styles p, 2pac,36, big l, KRS 1, ggg-unit, or nas::*Da BaSiCs*::
.:FuLL nAmE:. kasalle hakim saleem
.:AgE:. 18
.:BiRtHPlAcE:. east orange, NJ
.:BiRtHdAii:. 01/19/87
.:CuRrEnt LoCAtIoN:. lower aberdeen in hampton, VA
.:HAir CoLor:. black
.:eYE cOlOR:. brown
.:HeRiTaGe:. black folks
.:sIngLE/TaKEn:. single
.:SkOoL:. saint paul college
.:hEiGhT:. 6'5
.:RiGhTy OR lEfTy:. right
::bOYfRiEnD/gIRlfRieND:: N/A
::CrUSh:: a few
::nUmBEr Of Ex's:: 4 real 4real like 6or7
::pReFeReD tYpE:: basketball player
::PrEfErED StYlE:: kool as hell
::lOnGeSt ReLaTiOnShIp:: a few months
::sHoRtEsT rElaTiOnsHiP:: a week
::*tHe OPpOsItE sEx*:
::hEigHT:: 5'8 and up
::EYE cOlOR:: light color
::HAir CoLor:: any has long as it looks good
::StYle:: flash
::WeiGhT:: tall but slim
::PeRsOnaLiTy:: funny
::FiRsT tHiNg YoO nOtICe:: gear (what she got on)
::Turn OnS:: smiles
::TuRN oFFs:: young actin
::BeStFrIEnd(s):: i got a lot rite now it ace, big t, briggs, and all my niggas from the deen
::LoNgESt FrIEnd:: chris belle
::NeWeSt FrIenD:: my niggas jilo and eazy
::mOSt LoYaL:: my niggas from the deen
::SeXiEsT fRiEnd:: ashley
::mOSt TaLEntEd:: ace i guess that boy can hoop
::MosT dRamaTic:: big t
::MosT lIkeLy To B fAmoUS:: t-time aka terry thomas
::*ThIS Or ThaT*::
::cOkE oR pEpsI:: coke
::McDOnalDs Or BuRGeR kInG:: Mc d's
::yAhOo Or ..: yahoo
::RaIn oR sNow:: niether
::lAke Or OcEaN:: the beach
::SodA Or JuICe:: water
::AdIDaS oR nIke:: starter cuz thats what shqa wears
::kIssEs Or HuGS:: hugs
::SuMmeR oR wIntEr:: summer cuz sunday morning we at the deen
::hOoKUp Or ReLAtIoNShiP:: hook up
:ClUb Or PaRtY:: clubs
::tV oR rAdIo:: tv
::RocK oR rAp:: rap
::WaLmaRt Or KmArT:: walmart
::*RaNdOm qUEsTiOns*::
::WhaT aRe Yoo lIStEniN tO RigHT nOW:: nwa or the carter 2/ or that song im n love with a stripper
::LasT pErSoN Who CaLLeD yOO:: ashley
::LASt PeRsON yOo cAllEd:: kiki
::lasT pErSoN YoO HuggeD:: kiki
::Do YoO mISS anYoNE rIgHt Now:: not realy
::WhatZ yOuR fAv. FooD:: anything my aunt cooks
::DrInk Or SMoKE:: both im going to stop soon
::WeAr CoNTacTs/GlasSeS n/a
::FaV.mOnTH:: jan
::WouLD yOO asK SuMWuN OuT:: yeah
::pEtS:: none
::TaTt0oS:: one
::wOUlD YoO tAke A bUlLEt fOR sUmwUN:: my brother or sister
::FuTurE jOb:: nba
::vIrGin-YeS/nO:: no
::KidS iN dA fUtUrE:: someday but not today
::NuMbEr Of PeOPLE kISSseD:: i dont know
::VaNilLA oR chOCoLAtE:: vanila
::eVeR bEeNIn LoVe:: i thought so i was young
::dId ThEy KNo YoO LovEd Em:: yes
::pEacE oR fIGht For Your RighT:: fight
::Do Yu LyKe ThUnDeRsToRms:: nope
::FiRsT tHoUgHtS wEn Yu WaKe Up:: who gone be at the gym that im going to kill
::d0 yU gEt AlOnG wItH uR pArEnTs:: now i do
::EvA bEeN cAlLeD a TeAsE:: yes
::d0 yU tHiNk Ur SexXiE:: u know it
::Do Yu BeLiEvE n Ya SeLf:: hell yeah
::h0w MaNy DaEz 0lD r Yu:: what
::WhT c0uNtRy WoUlD yU lIkE 2 vIsIt:: germany
::eVa BeEn DuMpEd:: yes
::fIrSt KiSs WaS wItH wHo:: this girl named aaron
::Is ThIs AsKiN tOo MaNy QuEsTiOns:: hell yeah
::ArE yOo DOne With THi SurVeY:: u know wit



steel, kazaam, blue chips, juice, grid lock, sunset park, love and basketball, killa season, belly, paid n full .


sportscenter and nba tv


the art of happiness



My Blog


well lets start wit the basic's, she is tall like 4 real 4real the taller the betta i luv tall girls, but i thnk the reason i like tall girls is cuz i luv girls who play basketball. i luv bball so i l...
Posted by leaven the drama on day time Tv on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 05:21:00 PST


i go crazy cuz i put n that work on and off the court. i was born with the best pair of eye's, i see the floor betta than anybody i kno. im tryin to tell u, if u pass the ball anywhere near me imma ti...
Posted by leaven the drama on day time Tv on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 04:01:00 PST