m.$CRiLLaH was born Chan Tum in Cambodia on Aug. 8th 1982 towards the end of a horrific war in the country. Moved to the states at an early age and quickly picked up the American lifestyle. The journey in the U.S. started in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and then to the Bay State. He was raised by a single mother and was an only child until his teen years. From hardships and struggles he quickly used music to express his ongoing life whether good or bad. Started listening to Rap Icons Tupac, Biggie, LL Cool J, Jay-Z, Nas, Snoop Dogg, Master P.(pass me the green) Love that song! to name a few. Also music from Super-producers Dr. Dre, Timbaland, Jermaine Dupri, Just Blaze, Rockwilder (ROCBEATS.COM). First started a group called ILLAH MCZ which featured himself along with Spook Nyce and Legacy. The trio performed at various locations including Boston College, Lowell Water Festival and Import Showcase Tour in 2004. Now embarking on a solo career m.$CRiLLaH has grown into a more mature artist that basis his music upon life situations that he has gone through. In his words. "It's just my life, the life and times of Chan." Wanna say Thank you to all my fans and supporters for all the love through the years. For posting my banner on ur page and stopping by. I truly appreciate it. 1
i'M cOoL WiT' EVERyboDy tHAt is cooL wiT' me. goT hATe oR JeALouSy In YA. LIsten to somE JAy- Z ANd he'LL teLL YA "eiTHER LOVE me OR LEAVE me ALONe" woRds To LiVE bY. oTHER tHAN tHAt LiVE foR the mOmEnt. TreAT OtHERs hOW U wANt to bE tReATed. AS I LEARnEd peoPLE CAn aLWAYs USe A heLLo, PLeASe, tHANk YOu ANd UR weLcome In tHEiR dAiLY LifE. Just COmmoN COuRTeSY. SO i'LL leAVE yA'LL wiTH A tHANKs fOR StoppInG BY mY PAge. 1