Martial Arts, Playing Music, Channeling Art.
I cannot be as atheletic as I like to be at the moment, but I am pushing to recover my body, so I should be able to dance and train again if I'm careful and lucky. I like to build and fix things.Take the quiz: "What Orgasm Are You? ( with pics )"
Excellent Orgasm
Damn that feels good! Your orgasms make yur legs shaky and make you want more!!I'm very interested in the female orgasm.
I want to change the world and not be remembered for it.I can play and sing the FUCK out of your music.I love you, and I will find out why before I give you every thought you need to take on the world with your heart.
Your Happiness
Whatever fits the moodSome of my preferred artists:Rammstein, Lords of Acid, NIN, Archenemy, Ani Defranco, Johnny Cash,KRSOne, David Allen Coe, Bob Frank, Clutch, DJ Shadow, Bob Dylan, Fleetwood Mac, TooL, Operation Ivy, A Tribe Called Quest, Joni Mitchell,UNFOUND LOGIC, Biohazard, ProPain, Jack Johnson....
Televisions in stores should be secured, right? A Banner Elk, NC venue's unsecured TV fell 6 feet onto my head when I fell and hit its table.They also failed to call an ambulance, even though they asked me and I declined....250 lb TV to the head, their rapid response and informative measures regarding concussions, and they can't consider that I might not know what's Really occurred? eh..that's TV! I like Adult Swim, Scrubs, some Sci-Fi, the history channel/etc. You know, fun or educational
Taming of the Shrew. Catcher in the Rye. Anything Richard Braughtigan wrote. Hitchikers guide, Piers Anthony, Hunter S. Thompson, Richard Bach, Chris Hoff, Musashi, Robinsmack, C.S. Lewis, Philip Jose Farmer, Isaac Asimov, Stephen Hawkings, Bobby Fischer, Jonhhy got his gun, The Celestine Prophecy, Bonfire of the Vanities. I almost liked Atlas shrugged, but it makes people get arrogant, SYLVIA PLATH, Fight Club author guy, Stephen King, Roger Zelazny, Ceaser's Scribes, 1001 Vocabulary words you need to know, A thousand pressure points, the Pill Book, Anything I want to read. I like reading
Those who light the end of the tunnel. Whoever made me break my hard candy shell to find a hader sweeter center. My parents, because throughout lifetimes of SERIOUS hardships, they shined perfect love on me and still do.You're my fuckin hero