I am a tattoo artist. I can draw any custom design you want. I dont have flash. If you have flash, and want me to tattoo it on you, thats great! Email me at
[email protected]
I like all types of music including country. I once lobbied to remove strawberry from neopolitan ice cream. I hate skinny ties and silent letters. I'm allergic to most types of poison. My favorite Stooge is Shemp. I have a terrible phobia of AA batteries (but not AAA). I had a pet rat as a kid, so now I can't eat hot dogs. Sometimes I type with a lithp. I still play with dolls, but only those ones that make real burping sounds. I have to change my ringtones often because I eventually start to hear them in my head. I think that drinking wine coolers is a mortal sin.I am not a Gangster chick by any stretch of the imagination. I love Bruce Lee and am always looking for volunteers to practice my one inch punch on. Wataaaahhhhh!I am always looking to meet other tattoo artists or artists in general that are cool and mellow. Big egos freak me out.Just because you are a tattooer doesn't make you an artist.Anyone can trace a picture and color it like a coloring book. I am always willing to learn more about tattooing. You could be the best tattoo artist in the world, but if you are an asshole,not only would I rather tattoo in a gas station bathroom than with you, I certainly am not interested in learning from you. It seems to me, the better the artist, the nicer the person....What Ive learned from some "Old School" tattooers: to be completely rigid and resist any change is the rule. To dis an new style and anyone new to the business is the way to be. An ability to draw and be creative and create anything custom by just picking up a pencil and paper is not necessary. Too bad. So, I guess that makes me completely NEW SCHOOL. I love tattooing, I would tattoo 24 hours a day if I could. Nothing makes me happier than to create something beautiful.I feel very very fortunate to have found tattooing. I am very grateful. It makes me feel very blessed.I would also like to meet Cary Grant, Kermit the Frog, and Led Zeppelin.
The Black Angel
Favorite Killing Spot:
The Conservatory
Biggest Enemy:
Favorite Weapon:
Claw Hammer
Eyes Gouged:
People Iced:
Fourty Five
Arms Broken:
Car Bombs Planted:
Tounges Cut Off:
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