!!!!.:COOKIE:.!!!! profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

.. .. MyGen Profile Generator
WHAT IT DO BEAVER'S I try to do a little bit of everything. School, work and fun. What I like the most is to chill !! Study so I can get my high scores. I am woman raised old fashioned with a thousand uses FUCK WHE ALL DO KNOW THE IS HARD ASs WORLD SOo I AM SORRY MOM & Dad BUTt is Crazy out of the Door and fuck I dO LovE ALL mY MISTAKES THAS IS THE WAY TO LEARNT Butt Fuck'it i am not heaR to informe you the I am the best thas 4 You to take that chance and find out and trus me ur Ass is NEVER GOIN TO FEEL LIKE REGRETING THE MOMENT YOU MEE ME LOC!!! I just want to chill and see what's up with you.

My Interests

Smoke and drink everything with measures. It ends up on Monday ;p. I like to go to the beach in the night, I hate the sun. I am a Smonight Kat.

I'd like to meet:

No females!!! Strict relationships and homies. If some bitch knows me, hit me up!NO FUCKING HATER AND BE READY TO HAVE FUN!!!


I like everything except opera!!


Down ass moviesimg src="http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r34/TK1COOKIE/FUCKLO VE.jpg" border="0"


Simpsons and Casos de la Vida Real. I do not like novelas!!!


Juventud en Extacisimg src="http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r34/TK1COOKIE/SIMPSO NS20krusty20with20a20sex20boo.gif" border="0"


MY BROOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jAjAja MOnSTeR 1st plAIse BaByyy!!!!!!

My Blog


Posted by !!!!.:COOKIE:.!!!! on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 09:27:00 PST