Krista Pike.
Johnny of DLS.
Heath Ledger.
All three taken too soon.
And I don't look my age.
Hey y'all ;D Learn about me
My name is Kayci. College Freshman. Oh joy. =D. Don't wear it out.
I am an overenthusiastic female with polyglot and know-it-all tendencies.
Love is healing once more...
Sure, I am a freak. And I'm an odd freak at that.
But get to know me. It won't be so bad once you know me, if you're of open mind.
I am just someone who just may interest you, or may repulse you. You make that decision.
I'm not perfect. I lose my temper, I have a loud voice, and sometimes I say the wrong things at the wrong time. Yet I know, somewhere, out there, that there is a person or two who loves me more than anything for who I am, and who I am becoming as I grow up everyday. And they're not my parents.
Age: 18.
Orientation: Straight.
Music taste: Anything that catches my ears.
Likes: Food. Sleep. Friends. Japan. Korea. China. Other languages. Friends. Web. Bike-riding
Dislikes; Fake friends. Fakes in General Homophobes. Sexists, racists, ignorants, severely stupid people. Narrow-minded people. Cheese. Milk. List goes on...
Beware. Love me. Hate me. Be honest with me.
i cannot change.
i won't change.
you can't make me.
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