One Word
Yourself: Goof
Your Lover: Awesome
Your Hair: Black
Your Mother: Inspirational
Your Father: Guidance
Your Favorite Item: Cell phone
Your Dream Last Night: Uhhmm
Your Favorite Drink: Fanta Orange
Your Dream Home: With Nick
The Room You Are In: Living room
Your Pets: C-Murder... Summer... Cinnamon
What You Are Now: ...?
Who You Want to be in Ten Years: Registered nurse
What You Want to be in Ten Years:
What You're Not: A strong person
Your Best Friend: Tat
One of Your Wishlist Items: .......
Your Gender: Female
The Last Thing You Did: Is that important?!
What You Are Wearing: PJ..'s
Your Favorite Weather: Kind of warm....Kind of cool
Your Favorite Book: The Coldest Winter Ever
The Last Thing You Ate: Uhhmm.... cheese dip
Your Life: It..'s awesome!
Your Mood: Tired
Favorite article of clothing: Sweatpants
Favorite color: Baby Blue
Song: Promise by Ciara
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GOD... Bow Wow... and Oprah Winfrey! Oh and Denzel Washington! OMG I love that man!
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1. I admire my brother like a whole lot and miss him bunches!
2. I love to spend time with my God-sister!
3. I hate fake people or people who try to make me jealous about stupid shit!
4. Even though we dont get alone 2 good, I love my parents to death and would kill for them!
5. I am now learning how to be thankful for the things that I get and the things that I once took granted.
6. I am a hilarious person once you get to know me and be around me a LOT!
7. I have not yet found any REAL friends... maybe it's one thing that I should learn to live without!
8. I love NICHOLAS O'BRIAN HAMILTON soooooooo much and I dont think that anything could stop me from loving him!
9. I miss Nick like sooooooooooooooooo much and being around him everyday like I was b4!
10. I am a very sensitive person... everything touches my heart!
11. I love to play softball!
12. Im starting to love playing basketball!
13. Cheering this year SUCKS.... but Im managing for no apparent reason!
14. I miss being at Jefferson Elementary!
15. I hate the fact that we still cant live the life that "boys have coodies" like when we was younger!
16. I hate my junior year! It was the most hardest and complicated one!
17. Im ready to graduate and go to college to play softball and major in nursing.
18. For some unknown reason... I LOVE Chesterfield High!
19. My favorite number is #7: stands for COMPLETE! If you have no idea what Im talkin about, you obviously dont go to church or know ANYTHIN about the Bible!
20. Im not a mean person... just honest.
21. I am going to phcc currently
22. I HATE it when people think that I am goin to kiss their ass! Sorry! NO ONE has that privilege!
23. I want to get married to Nick!
24. I hate gurls and boys who try soooooo damn hard to break me and Nick apart! IT'S NOT GOIN TO HAPPEN FOLKS!
25. I admire virgins!
26. I am VERY VERY VERY afraid of the dark!
27. I wish that I had the opportunity to grow up with my grandmother... I might not be as bad!
28. I dont smoke(Im an athlete!) but I have drunk b4!
29. I dont do ANY parties whatsoever... too many chaps these days try to be too grown now and these older parties!
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2006 is OVER
In 2006, did you...
fall in love with someone that was just a friend?: Uhhmm... Yup!
fall in love at all?: Yup
lose any friends?: Yup
make any new friends?: Yup
make any new enemies?: MOS DEF
develop any new hobbies?: Uhhmm... I love to play basketball
get older?: HAHA Yup
do anything you regret?: Yup
go to any parties?: Yup
accomplish anything?: Yup
make much money?: HAHAHA Enough for me
attend a wedding?: Nope
attend a funeral?: Nope
get any new family members?: Nah
move away?: Nah
gain any new perspectives?: Uhhmm... Yup
get into a verbal fight?: HAHA Yup
get into a physical fight?: Not that I know of
attend any sporting events?: OH YEAH
get arrested?: No HELL no!
wreck your car?: AWWWWW yeah I did
get a new car?: Nope... LAST year
make any big purchases?: Nope
get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business?: Nope
get fired from a job?: Heck no!
get offered a job?: Something like that
get a raise at a job?: Yup
learn anything?: A LOT
dump your bf/gf?: Not exactly
get dumped by your bf/gf?: Not exactly
develop any new health problems?: Nope
change as a person?: OH YEAH
get any new piercings?: Nope.... that was 2 years ago
get any new tattoos?: Nope
attend a concert?: Nah
crowd surf?: Nah
travel out of state?: Yup
read any books?: Nah
travel out of the country?: Heck no
spend much money?: OH YEAH! When do I not?!
download any music?: Yup
try out any new looks?: Yup
sign up for a myspace?: HAHA that was a year ago
sign up for a facebook?: Nope
eat a food that you had never eaten before?: HAHAHA yeah
go golfing?: Nope
go bowling?: Nope
go to many parties?: Not many
start to resent something or someone that you used to like?: HAHAHA yup! The WHITE boy!
In 2006, how many....
different places did you work?: Just one
times did you go out drinking?: .... Leave this one blank
times did you smoke marijuana?: EW! Hello! Im an athlete!
drugs did you take?: Aspirin? Tylenol? A lot
times did you have health problems?: None
times did you go to the movies?: Probably like 3 times HAHA
concerts did you attend?: None
people did you make out with?: HAHA like 3
people did you have sex with?: ...
people tried to have sex with you?: PLENTY
times did you get your ass kicked?: Never fought... but that dont mean jump stupid
crushes did you have?: One MAJOR crush!
times did you attend church?: Every Sunday
bad habits did you pick up?: A LOT
"rough nights" did you have?: One
In 2006, what was?
your favorite day of the year?: The nite me and the gurls went on clubbing
your favorite band?: Uhhmm... I would say Cherish
your least favorite day of the year?: The day I got busted for skipping school =(
your favorite movie?: Uhmm.... Something New
your favorite song of the year?: That's hard!
the most expensive thing you stole?: I dont steal
the biggest event you attended?: Uhhmm...
something that didn't change at all this year?: Where my heart will always be
your favorite holiday?: Christmas
Misc. questions about 2006 A.D.
were you in a hospital this year?: Nope
were you in an ambulance this year?: Nope
did you make any big confessions in 06?: HAHA Oh yeah! (Sorry boo!)
did you make friends with anyone of the opposite sex that you love but only: Uhhmmm....
embarrassed about anything you did this year?: Yup
what's the best thing to happen to you this year?: NICK
did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying: Yup
did anyone you have no feelings for confess to having feelings for you?: HAHAHA yeah
did you vote this year?: No
did you bring sexy back this year?: HAHA yeah
was 2006 a great year, an average year or a bad year?: BAD! HORRIBLE!
what goals did you set for 2007?: To stay out of trouble and get serious with my boo
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::NAME::: Kik
::BiRTHDAY::: 1/24
::AGE::: 16
::GENDER::: Female
::PRESENT L0CATiON::: Living room
::SiBLiNGS::: 1 brother and one God-sister
::EYE COL0R::: Brown
::HAiR COLOR::: Black
::WEiGHT::: 135
::HEiGHT::: 5'3"
::B0dY TYPE::: Athletic body
::FAT/SkiNNY/AVERAGE::: Average
::C0LOR::: Black grey and white
::M0NTH::: January
::HOLiDAY::: Christmas
::NUMBER::: 7 (Stands for COMPLETE!)
::TYPE 0F MUSiC::: R & B Slow Jams
::BAND::: Cherish
::MALE SiNGER::: Tyrese
::FEMALE SiNGER::: Ciara
::MOViE::: Something New
::TV SH0W::: One on One
::SP0RT::: SOFTBALL 4sho
::RESTAURANT::: Captain D's
::PLACE T0 SHOP::: Wet Seal
::DAY 0F THE WEEk::: Friday
::F00D::: Tacos
::DRiNK::: Fanta Orange
::CLOTHiNG STYLE::: Sweatpants and t-shirts
::COLLEGE::: Winthrop University and Francis Marion
::F00TBALL TEAM::: Chesterfield Rams and Central Eagles
::BASEBALL TEAM::: Central Eagles
::ANiMAL::: Dogs
::VACATiON SPOT::: Florida
::STATE::: Texas
::CiTY::: Charlotte
::C0UNTRY::: USA lol
::SCh00L::: Chesterfield High
::MOViE TYPE::: Animated or Adventurous
::SUBJECT::: Math
::B00K::: The Coldest Winter Ever
::SiNGLE/TAkEN::: In between LOL
::CRUSH/BOYFRiEND::: In between LOL
::HiS/HER NAME::: Nick
::HiS/HER AGE::: 18
::iF TAkEN H0W L0NG::: 3 years now
::WHEN iS Y0UR ANNiVERSARY::: The beginning of Jan.
::WHEN iS HiS/HER BiRTHDAY::: June 24
::WHAT MAkES HiM/HER SPECiAL::: We've been through soooo much and we share soooo much 2gether
::CHEATED 0N THiS PERS0N::: Not techinally
::DiD Y0U MEAN iT::: Yuppers
::HAVE Y0U KiSSED::: HAHA what kind of question is that?
::WEARiNG::: PJ's
::LiSTENiNG T0::: Parents snore LOL JK
::READiNG::: Nothing
::TALkiNG T0::: Nobody
::THiNKiNG::: of Nick
::STUDYiNG::: Nothin
::SH0ULD BE DOiNG::: Sleeping
::M0NTH::: December
::DAY::: 25
::YEAR::: 2006
::TiME::: 2:30 in the morning HAHA
::KiSS::: Joe Roy LOL
::BEST FRiEND::: Katie Eubanks
::SCREEN NAME::: Uhhmm....
::SCH00L::: JES
::PET NAME::: Miss Bee (I miss her too!)
::CAR/TRUCk::: Honda Accord
::J0B::: Pizza hut
::H0USE L0CATi0N::: The Lane HAHA
::CD::: Dunno
::CELL PH0NE::: It was an old one
::BEST::: Tat
::W0RST::: HAHA.... Chavonne
::M0ST ENERGETiC::: Tanvi and Chavonne
::M0ST LiKELY T0 END UP iN JAiL::: Tanisha and ChristinaLOL
::PRETTiEST/H0TTEST::: Me, Eisha, Tan, Tat, Quentin
::SMARTEST::: Me and Tan
::DUMBEST::: None of us are
::KN0WN THE L0NGEST::: Katie and Chris
::CAN'T GET EN0UGH 0F::: Quentin and Christina
::M0ST 0UTGOiNG::: Tanvi and Tat and Christina
::SHYEST::: Eisha
::0LDEST::: Tat
::Y0UNGEST::: HAHAHA Eisha! (She's the baby!)
::BEST CAR::: Eisha
::BEST H0USE::: Tat and Eisha
::BEST CL0THES::: Me and Tan and Christina
::BEST PERS0NALiTY::: All of us!
::ALWAYS HAS A B0YFRiEND::: HAHAHAHA! None of us! Well not always! Christina LOL!
::M0ST P0PULAR::: Uhhmm... me and Tan
::SkiNNiEST::: Tan
::BiGGEST::: Eisha! (She got a butt!.... Compared to her? We dont LOL!)
::TALLEST::: HAHAHA Big Lanky AKA Tat!
::SH0RTEST::: HAHAHA! "My Little Indian!" and Christina
::FUNNiEST::: All of us!
::DULLEST::: None of us
::BEST CL0THiNG STYLE::: Me and Tan and Christina
::0NE::: Cell phone
::TW0::: House phone
::THREE::: Parents
::F0UR::: Kendall
::FiVE::: Big Brother
::SiX::: Nick
::SEVEN::: My home
::EiGHT::: Pizza Hut
::NiNE::: Joe Roy (Dont ask why)
::TEN::: Uhhmm...Food
::0NE::: Mom
::TW0::: Dad
::THREE::: Big Bro
::F0UR::: Tyresha
::FiVE::: Nick
::SiX::: Tat
::SEVEN::: Tan
::EiGHT::: Eisha
::NiNE::: T. Ravis (At times)
::0NE::: Socks
::TW0::: Pants
::THREE::: Earrings
::F0UR::: Hair bow
::FiVE::: tank top
::SiX::: t-shirt
::SEVEN::: bra
::EiGHT::: panties LOL
--7 LASTS--
::Ph0NE CALL::: My boo
::TEXT MESSAGE::: Uhhmm J-Man
::KiSS::: My boo
::HUG::: Mom
::iM::: ...
::MiSSED CALL::: My Boo
::V0iCEMAiL::: My Boo
--6 THiS 0R THATS--
::CH0C0LATE/VANiLLA::: Nilla
::BLACk/WHiTE::: Black
::B0Y/GiRL::: Boy
::CiTY/C0UNTRY::: country
::BEACH/M0UNTAiNS::: Beach
::HUGS/KiSSES::: Hugs
::0NE::: Mom
::TW0::: Dad
::THREE::: Big Brother
::F0UR::: Nick
::FiVE::: Solida
--4 PE0PLE Y0U MiSS--
::0NE::: My Big brother
::TW0::: Keeda (big cousin)
::F0UR::: Kendall (at the moment)
--3 TV SH0WS--
::0NE::: One on One
::TW0::: My Wife and Kids
::THREE::: South of Nowhere
--2 CH0iCES--
::L00kS/G00D PERS0NALiTY::: Good personality
::SMART/DUMB::: Smart
::0NE::: Nick
::i WiSH i COULD::: be with Nick happily and dramatic free for the rest of my life
::MY M0ST MiSSED MEM0RY iS::: being around Nick everyday
::L0VE iS::: full of shit! But there is always a way to make it smell so damn good LOL!
::MY HEART iS::: yours boo!
::i SH0ULD REALLY::: be sleep right now
::DiD Y0U LiKE iT::: HELL yeah
::WAS iT BETTER THAN M0ST SURVEYS::: Kind of... too long
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Best Friend?: Tat
Nicest?: Uhhm... ME
Can Tell Anything Too?: Tat
Biggest Hoe?: HAHA....
Do You Have Any Lesbian Friends?: Yup! But that's my nigga though
Who You Fight With The Most?: Probably Tanisha! But Im goin to miss my trick! LOL!
Has Good Advice?: TAT... the rest of the bitches tell me what I want to hear
Best Listener?: Tat, Ericka, and Tat
Whos On Ur Shit List?: None of my FRIENDS... but that C-FIELD BITCH
Best To Hang Out With On A Friday Night?: HAHA... Nicholas (Im goin to miss my boo) and Chavonne and Ericka and Tat and Tanvi
Best To Smoke With?: We dont smoke..
Who knows The Most About You?: Tat and Nick
Whats The Best Advice Ur BestFriend Ever Gave You?: "Work things out with him! If it dont work, then let him go like you told me to do!"
Ur Favorite Inside Joke Rite Now & Whos It With?: "Put It In Dere.. Let Her Taste... and IT'S OVER!" Haha! Eisha and Chavonne
Who Are You On The Phone With The Most?: "Nicholas" LOL!
Who Listens Too All Your Problems?: Nicholas and Tat (The only 2 niggas I trust! LOL)!
Whos The Best Signer?: Ericka...
Have You Ever Thought Of Having Sex With a Friend?: JUST a friend?... Yup!
Who do u Always Understand?: Tat MOST of the time!
Whos House were You At Last?: Had 2 be Tanvi's
Do Your Friends know you?: Yeah they do but only Tat knows me the best!
Worst Secret Keeper?: Nobody really
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myspace generators
The Coldest Winter Ever
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Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1: The dark
2: Bugs
3: Scary movies... even though they are my favorite LOL
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Daddy
2: Nick
3: Kendall... my God-sis
Three Things I love:
1: Clothes
2: My bathroom (Its sooooo pretty now!)
3: Nick
Three Things I hate:
1: Nappy heads
2: Uneven hair cuts
3: My fake friends
Three things I don't understand:
1: Life
2: Why people think that they can run over me
3: Why Im sooooo damn emotional
Three things on my desk:
1: My laptop
2: Pens
3: Camera
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: Thinkin about Nick
2: On the computer
3: In the dark looking around
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Marry Nick
2: Have kids by Nick
3: Travel the world.... with NICK LOL
Three things I can do:
1: Work... and make money
2: Shop
3: Play softball
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Sweet
2: Lovable
3: Caring
Three things I can't do:
1: Party
2: Chill with my friends like all of the time
3: Let my grades drop
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OF COURSE... God and my parents and my brother!
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