Cooking, I love to cook. I would like to say that I play the guitar but it is mostly ornamental, my son got the totally awesome musical genes. Being outdoors is an increadible natral high for me I live 30min. from Timberline on Mt. Hood where you can hike for days. Or I can drive 90min. to the coast and spend an eternity walking the beaches and rocky cliffs or cruise the ocean. I am a very, very Blessed person. Thank you, you awesome universe
All Who are NOT self serving. True light workers that are focused others find there peace there dreams and there perpose. Those wanting to make a difference in humanity.
Jet Li's Fearless, And The One, And I can't leave out Old School and Super Troopers. I've gotta Laugh
Avatar The last Airbender. I love Scrubs...Who doesn't?
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