..i'm working on an album to come including a few songs i'd like to recommend warmly to you hoping you'll like them. it should be out in winter 2008.
..'escape from babylon lebt von der schönheit der schwermut' (b. ludwig, hna)
..'frozen ice petals melt to form the mini magnifiers of
another realm' (the InvisAbles)
..'escape from babylon bewegt sich zwischen klassischen singer/songwritern und elektroakustischen soundscapes' (v. beller, antistars booking & promotion)
..'das beste, was zeitgenössischer pop aus kassel zu bieten hat' (ar, FRIZZ)
..'melancholisch schön' (ar, FRIZZ)
SHARED A STAGE WITH (in alphabetical order)..
..björn kleinhenz (swe)
..enno bunger
..l'effet papillon
..pelle carlberg (swe)
..schtimm (nor)
..she's all that