Well, what's there to say? I, like everyone else, am merely a product of the Dragon. This Dragon (Leviathan, Tiamat, etc.) is the primordial cosmic force, the living essence of primal chaos that was before this universe's formation and it sleeps in the Sea Below All Seas. None of us are who we think we are. Our thoughts and feelings are not our own--we have no minds of our own, no souls of our own. We have no individual identities, it's all illusions. Each one of us is just a different aspect of something bigger, something beyond our feeble, mortal comprehension. Our only freedom is the Dragon's freedom, our only will is the Dragon's will. The only reality we will ever know is whatever the Dragon is dreaming. And when the Dragon awackens, all will be lost.. Oh yeah, I also like long walks on the beach, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah.
Brief band "resume": - "Vile Lynn" - Genre/Style: Goth/Deathrock/Post-punk. My role: Drummer. Status: Defunct. Brief info: This band actually had pretty good reviews and was bbuilding a ddecent following in its time. We played with well-known acts in different areas of Southern California. This was the first band in which I made money by playing music. The band parted ways due, mainly, to musical differences. - "Goblyn Nemesis" -Genre/Style: Ambient/Experimental. My role: several. Status: Defunct. Brief info: This project did not last too long. The only traces of its existence are tapes in my basement.This project consisted of two main members (one of them being myself) and occasional guest musicians. The project came to an end when the other main member, unexpectedly, committed suicide for unknown reasons. R.I.P. Ursula T - "Disrot" (not to be mistaken with Dirott, they're something else.) - Genre/Style: Death Metal/Grindcore. My duties: Drums/Vocals. Status: Defunct. Brief info: Thiis band's purpose was to annoy and offend. The lyrics were gorey and the music was brutal and noisy. Maybe we'll reunite sometime in the future for old time's sake. - "Lord of the Maggots (LOTM)" - Genre/Style: Horror Punk/Thrash Metal (wierd combination) My role: Vocalist. Status: Active (again) Brief info: This band was my first as a front man. It formed formed out of the ashes of two failed projects and later evolved to "Sabbatic Rites". But we are currently reuniting as LOTM for a few upcoming shows. - "VM" - Genre/Style: Black Metal/Ambient/Experimental. My role: The members all switch duties. Status: On hiatus. Brief info: I only stated the initials of this controvesial project It contains a member of the original second wave of Black Metal scene of the early 1990s. Labels have offered to distribute this band's products but something always seemed to go wrong. Who knows what the future holds? - "Sabbatic Rites" - Genre/Style: Old school Metal/Progressive/Hard Rock. My role: Vocalist. Status: Active. Brief info: Check out myspace.com/sabbaticrites. MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile GeneratorThese are links to some of my bands' pages:
Sabbatic Rites
Vigsoroth Moshamarahoth
Lord of the Maggots
And if anyone happens to be interested, this is my profile on Model Mayhem:modelmayhem.com/zabeast