Eric profile picture


Recliners Belong on the Porch and Propane belongs in the fire

About Me

Hey, Im eric, I'm pretty much a miserable son-of-a-bitch.My job comes first, bottom line. I am NOT interested in meeting any flashy sluts from the land of myspace. I have my friends and they know who they are. I am not materialistic,however I do own a boat because I think it's great to get away when I can. I'm single..and looking. So if youre a nice girl that knows how to spread her arms before her legs.. let me know. MySpace Graphics

My Interests

Girls,Boating, Motorcycles, Muddin',Putting up huge tents with Tim, Skiing, Partyin in schillers garage, hot sunny days at the beach, Im pretty chill with anything, chill, chill, chill, chill , chill

I'd like to meet:

as many people as I can


Buckcherry,The Rolling Stones, Alan Parsons Project,Tom Petty,Fleetwood Mac, I listen to anything.


Mom,Dad and God Obviously

My Blog


 couldnt say where shes coming from,But I just met a lady named dinah-moe hummShe stroll on over, say look here, bum,I got a forty dollar bill say you cant make me cum(yjes cant do it)She made a ...
Posted by Eric on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:55:00 PST