I like Rock&Roll, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Reading, Surfing the Net, Spending time with my kids and My career
The Dahli Lama, Stephen King, Wes Craven, Buddha, Maynard James Keenan, Jonathan Davis, My next ex-husband, Alanis Morisette, and GodClick here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
Anything by Tool, A Perfect Circle, Old Metallica(before the piece of trash black album when they became sellouts), Alanis Morisette, Any type of Rock(alternative mostly), some country, and Sacred South because they are my homies so check them out on myspace music
anything horror, science fiction, fantasy, some comedy, but i am not much of an action movie fan
I love Discovery, Animal Planet, the History Channel, MTV-when they show some good rock videos, and some Reality TV
Anything Horror, sci-fi, fantasy, but my favorite is Stephen King
I am my own hero, i do not wait for somebody to save me when i am perfectly capable of doing it myself