Social commentary, hip hop, Arsenal football club, beautiful women with better looking minds, creative expression, reading, intellectual debate, quiet contemplation, laughing at my own jokes...Currently wondering; "why do some good looking girls love ugly dudes?"
Interesting, creative, positive people. Beautiful women. Or wealthy women, looking to 'sponsor the arts'.:)View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
My preferences, like my inspirations, are eclectic. I can be found listening to Snoop Dogg or Amy Winehouse. The Wu-Tang Clan or Dizzee Rascal. Jay-Z, Nas, Notorious BIG, Klashnekoff, Skinnyman. The list could continue so I'll just mention some emerging UK artists/ bands who I think are doing big things right now; Inspector Sands, Angelina, Samuel Vouga, Devil In Miss Jones, DJ Lok and Mestiza.I love hip hop (the music and the culture) as it emerged from and influences almost all cultures and musical genres. Hip hop creates community, gives voice to the youth/ the black/ the poor and the oppressed but reaches beyond traditional boundaries of race, class and international borders.Anyway, I also appreciate grime, breakbeats, electro, dancehall, reggae - you name it! Anything is music to me.
Apocalypse Now Redux, Boyz In The Hood, Carlito's Way, Clockwork Orange, The Departed, Enter The Dragon, Gandhi, The Godfather (trilogy), Goodfellas, Gladiator, The Last King Of Scotland, Malcolm X, Pulp Fiction, Raging Bull, Reservoir Dogs, Scarface, Taxi Driver, The Warriors.
Match Of The Day. Or whatever happens to be on when I want to turn the brain off. Prefer to browse YouTube for classic music videos and stuff.
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Goebbels: His Life and Death, Wuthering Heights, Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times.
Myself and all those with good energy, creativity and necessary game."I am the Greatest!" Muhammad Ali"If I tell you I'm good, you would probably think I was boasting. If I tell you I'm no good, you know I'm lying." Bruce Lee