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I am here for Friends

About Me

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I'm a lot of different things to different people...a child of God, a wife to my wonderful husband, a mom to the best boy/girl twins ever, an aunt to two awesome little boys in Florida, a mom-away-from-mom for some college students at HSU, and a friend to many!!

Born in Mississippi, but Tennessee was home for almost 30 years, till we moved to the metropolis of ABILENE, Texas in 2002. GO TENNESSEE VOLS! and GO WYLIE BULLDOGS!

My Interests

My family, friends, reading, writing, university ministry, cooking, scrapbooking, FlyLady, Abilene Mothers of Multiples Club, breakfast, Tennessee Vols, Weight Watchers, dogs, Cheese-Its, coffee...OK, so this is a pretty long list.


O Brother Where Art Thou, Steel Magnolias, Gone With the Wind - anything except horror movies!


Grey's Anatomy, House, Private Practice, ER (are you seeing a theme here?), CSI,


Anything & everything - I'll read it if it doesn't read me first. Chick lit, anything by Karen Kingsbury, Francine Rivers, Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton, and hundreds more.


My mom, my dad, my husband.