Welcome Potheads!!
Hey you fellow pot smokers!
Not sure if you're just stumbling across this page or you've been invited as a friend.. but either way, Welcome! Sit down, relax.. maybe even take a "smoke" break & enjoy the page.
WHAT IS THERE TO LOOK AT?! .. sadly not much yet, this page was erected on 3/30/2008.. so if you would like to help join in on making this myspace page a cool place to visit, please do ADD US AS A FRIEND!
Happy Smoking!
Keep posted, as this page is still very much so under construction.
We've started promoting a Featured Friend..
Well why else, because these top friends help promote POA by posting bulletins and refering other stoners to join. Why would we not give them the same respect back. Here at POA, we believe in Karma.. and our featured friend will help us return the good Karma.
This week's Featured Friend is VilaRomeo©
Click above photo to view VilaRomeo© Profile!
We've started promoting a Featured Band as well...
Well why else, because these bands are great to listen to stoned, good smoking music. You know the whole Karma deal..
This week's Featured Band is GOOSE
Click above photo to view GOOSE'S Profile!
We're really feeling the song.. NO SEEDS.