politics, art, swimming, live music, real poets, science fiction, motorcycles, culture, community organizing, peace, history, quality education for all children
Bakari Kitwana, Cornel West, Jill Scott, Prince, Marian Wright Edelman, President Jimmy Carter, Juan Miguel Luiz, and in my next life: Octavia Butler and Betty Shabazz.
I was raised with Funk in one leg... "FLASHLIGHT!" and House in the other (cuz I'm a Jersey girl), but you coulda caught me barefoot, dancing on a lawn in Princeton University to Chicago as a child...with flowers in my hair of course. I love the vibraphones, and guitar, like the work of Wes Montgomery and Roy Ayers. I groove to some reggaetown and for now: This band outa DC - Sakrid has this hot rock-funk-stank thing going on - their sound is amazing. I'm loving Dwele and Brown Baby Girl -they cool me out after rocking with Sakrid or Mint Condition. Lately, I've been swooning and rocking my head back and forth to the Dave Matthews Band! Blessed be these majic makers.
African American romance stuff like, Love Jones, Love and Basketball, Mo Betta Blues, Brown Sugar, etc. I also have a penchant for Sci-Fi - love Xmen flicks, Aeon Fluxx. Asian subtitle films, and unique animation - Have you seen Waking Life?
HEROES, HEROES, HEROES!!! I'm hooked like a research monkey...and HGTV, it's like good weed...I get high off home improvement.
The Miseducation of the Negro, Carter G. Woodson - still applicable today! The Fall of America, Elija Muhammad, and I recommend any or all of Octavia Butler's books. My recent pick: The Hip Hop Generation: Young Blacks and The Crisis In African-American Culture, by Bakari Kitwana. A must read: Privelege, Power and Difference by Alan Johnson. Don't SLEEP - wake up and get the information you need. These two books are filled with something that current society aint up on - TRUTH!!!
Marva Collins, LaTisha Vaughn-Brandon, Carletta Hurt, R.Brian Stone, Rodney Dunton, Maulana Karenga, Sonia Sanchez and Marian Wright Eldeman - (Giving props to the living!)