angelina jolie, aqua teen hunger force, bluejeans, blues, brownies, brunettes, burnt cds, calloway county, cereal, cheese, civil rights, classic rock, dildos, dogs, duct tape, gay bars, girls, harley davidsons, hawaii, iced tea, jeeps, jeopardy, kentucky, lesbians, liquor, louisville, marketing, masturbation, memphis, mississippi, motorcycles, motown, murray, murray state university, music, musicians, mustangs, nashville, oldies, orgasms, pajamas, photography, piercings, pinups, pre-law, pro ana, pro ed, proana, pugs, punk, quick recall, rainbows, rich girls, rugby, sleeping, sugar toast, swimming, tattoos, taxidermy, tennessee, the 60s, the 70s, the 80s, tomboys, vibrators, watermelon, wine, women, wranglers
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Oldies (especially Motown), Country, Classic Rock, Female Vocalists, Rap, Hip-Hop, just about anything...
Twister, Almost Famous, Bridget Jones' Diary, Pulp Fiction, Dazed and Confused, The Incredibly True Story of Two Girls in Love, Prey for Rock and Roll, Forrest Gump, Coyote Ugly, Jurrasic Park I, The Rescuers, The Rescuers Down Under, The Jungle Book, Bound, Better Than Chocolate, Lost and Delirious
Ally McBeal is my favorite, everything else is second best...except maybe Xena.
I was an English minor. If it has words in (mostly) English I'll read it.
Rachel, period.