Emily, life, love, friends, reading, sports, the gym, politics, singing, dancing, letting go...http://ffrf.org
...Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Elizabeth I, Napolean Bonaparte, Benjamin Franklin, Benedict Arnold, Steve Young, people who think for themselves and look beyond the "truth."Idiots, good ol' boys, hicks, down home folk, etc., need not apply....
Led Zeppelin, Prince, Hendrix, Miles Davis, Slayer, Lyle Lovett, Marvin Gaye, Dead Can Dance, Iggy Pop, Billy Idol, Harry Connick Jr., U2, Batlord, The Dixie Chicks, whomever wrote the theme to the Odd Couple, etc...
Control Room, 2001 Space Odyssey, The Color Purple, 12 Monkeys, Lord of the Rings, The Crying Game, Dazed and Confused, The Fifth Element, Willy Wonka, Bootie Call, and a whole bunch more that I can't think of right now, etc...
Al Jazeera, Discovery Channel, ESPN, TLC, The Daily Show, Countdown with Keith Olberman, Pushing Daises, Boston Legal, Studio 60, Battlestar Gallactica, House, My Name is Earl, The Office, Seinfeld, Reno 911, Ellen, Ninja Warrior, anything that's NOT Fox News, etc...
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, I Robot, Stupid White Men, The Dictionary, that one book about that one thing that happened that one time, etc...
My wife Emily, my mother, father, sister, and my wife Emily....