127 Girls profile picture

127 Girls

About Me

127 Girls is newish zine made by a girl who is sometimes known as Stephy Wilecat but more often as just Steph.
She makes zines because she hates uni, even though she's studying writing (literary non-fiction) and she doesn't even have to go that often.
Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't have porn (haha), but is named after how many times New Kids On The Block say the word 'girl' on their album "Hangin Tough".

The zine is more or less an insight to how she operates and is reflective of her passions and petty hates.

She leaves a pile of zines at Stikki Records (510 King St Newtown) or can mail one out to you. Or ask her if you see her at a show, chances are she's got a few copies with her.

Zine swaps/trades are welcome. Mix CDs, paper ephemera, novelty toys, etc etc.
Just send me a message/comment or email: [email protected]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

-See 'Heroes' section.
-Actual astronauts (no fake ones plz!)
-People with the bottom drawers filled with plastic fruit.
-People who have a penchant for speaking in the vernacular of a Victorian confidence man.
-Sally.. like I have been for the past 3 or 4 years.

My Blog

Issue 3/re-issue of 1 update.

Instead of re-issuing the first issue separately.. I'm going to put it as issue number 3 + new stuff.Because Mus says there's not enough.SO issue 3 is gonna be hella chunky.I'm also thinking of incorp...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 21:07:00 GMT

Issue 2, OUT NOW!

Well, it’s actually out tomorrow.But how exciting!!I have to say though that it’s no longer free.The first issue was free because it was shit and I did it all at home, but I got this prope...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 05:33:00 GMT

momentary reflection.

Gosh, I never had this much fun when I was making the first issue. Not even this much fun when I was making the Unmute zine (A shortlived zine I made when I was 16 and sooo punk rock) I looove it. I ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 03:37:00 GMT

2nd issue news.

So I’m finally motivated enough to do the 2nd issue of 127 Girls (yeah about time!! Considering I released the first issue mid-late last year hahaha). Even though it’s been so long since t...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 01:40:00 GMT