Coming together for virtually unknown reasons Sounds of Noise is making THEIR NOISE something to be dealt with. Eddie, Eric R., Paul, and Eric Z., bonded over beers, girl troubles, and bands that they love, to create something they called Sounds of Noise. Growing up on bands like Built to Spill, Sonic Youth, and Nirvana these boys of noise are giving you their interpretation of song, sound, and life. With just a few months of practice, failed relationships, and a D.I.Y. attitude they found themselves producing tracks for songs like “Heather is my Bartender†and “In love with a Bully.†Their debut album “Hayter†(released independently) could be looked at as a pioneering example for what is to come. Now with a growing following and impulsive, ear shattering show, S.O.N. continues to push themselves and utilize the force that brought them together.Find us at:
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