acoustic guitar, alameda, alice in wonderland, anarchy, animals, astrology, astronomy, atheism, autumn, ballet, bats, beauty, bdsm, beetlejuice, bellies, biting, black eyeliner, black lights, black nail polish, blood, books, boots, boris vallejo, california, candles, caves, celestial stuff, cellos, chaos, chocolate, cinnamon, classic rock, classical music, cloaks, comedy, conversations, corsets, crows, cuddling, cuteness, daggers, dark skies, darkness, death, demons, devils, doc martens, dogs, dolphins, dragons, dreams, edgar allan poe, eeyore, enlightenment, erotica, fairies, fairy tales, fantasy, fire, fireworks, fishnets, food, forests, freedom, friends, full moons, fun, gargoyles, garlic, germany, ghostbusters, ghosts, ghouls, goblets, gods/goddesses, god of war!!!, gothic, grand theft auto, great america, hair dye, halloween, happiness, heat, henry rollins, history, holding hands, honesty, horror, horror movies, hugs, humor, ichabod crane, incense, independence, individuality, inside jokes, insomnia, intelligence, internet, iorg, jokes, journals, karma, karmaic wheel, kisses, knives, knott's berry farm, knowledge, late night talks, laughter, laziness, life, lightning, literature, local music, long hair, love, magic, masks, matthew lillard, meditation, mermaids, mexican food, midnight, mohawks, monolith graphics, monsters, moon, movies, music, mysteries, mythical creatures, mythology, nature, night, nine inch nails, quizzes, paganism, pain, patience, peace, peach tea, philosophy, phoenix (bird), PHOTOGRAPHY, piercings, pin-up girls, pixies, pluto, poetry, posters, potato soup, potions, privacy, psychology, pumpkins, , punk, puppies, rafting, rainy days, reading, reincarnation, relaxation, reptiles, restraints, rob zombie, rock & roll, rockstars, roses, sacramento, safety pins, sand, sarcasm, second chances, self-expression, self-realization, serial killers, sex, sharpies, sheri moon zombie, sierra college photography, silence, silver, sirens, sleep, sleepy hollow, smiling, smoothies, snow, social anxiety, space, spikes, spirituality, stars, stickers, stigmata, summer nights, super mario, super nintendo, sushi, swimming, swords, tacos, talking to friends, tarot, tattoos, tea, the beach, the ocean, the sound of rain, thinking, thunderstorms, time, true beauty, trust, truth, tummies, vampires, victorian clothing, video games, violins, virtues, warlocks, water, waterfalls, weekends, whispers, whitewater rafting, wind chimes, winter, witchcraft, witches, wizards, wolves, women, wounds, writing, zodiac
adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!
10 years, 30 seconds to mars, absent me, anathema, a perfect circle, audioslave, beastie boys, black label society, black light burns, bush, chiasm, chris cornell, cibo matto, ClaireVoyant, cold, corrosion of conformity, cradle of filth, cult of luna, cyntext, danzig, dawn of ashes, deftones, delerium, deviations project, diverje, ego likeness, evans blue, faith no more, fiona apple, five finger death punch, fleetwood mac, from autumn to ashes, genesis, genitorturers, gravity kills, hate dept., hurt, incubus, isis, journey, kate bush, kidneythieves, killing joke, kmfdm, lacuna coil, led zeppelin, les claypool, linkin park, lords of acid, marilyn manson, massive attack, mazzy star, mike patton, mindless self indulgence, ministry, minus halo, miranda sex garden, mortiis, mos def, mouth of the architect, mr.bungle, mushroomhead, my life with the thrill kill kult, nine inch nails, opeth, otep, ours, oysterhead, pearl jam, pigface, pink floyd, poe, portishead, powerman 5000, primus, prodigy, rage against the machine, rasputina, razed in black, red hot chili peppers, reveille, rob zombie, rollins band, sarah mclachlan, sigur ros, sisters of mercy, skinny puppy, slipknot, snake river conspiracy, soulfly, stabbing westward, staind, static-x, stone sour, sublime, switchblade symphony, system of a down, the apex theory, the cars, the cramps, the divine madness, the gathering, the mars volta, the misfits, the panic division, the red electric, theatre of tragedy, third eye blind, this mortal coil, tom petty, tool, tori amos, unkle, VAST, virgin black, white zombie, zero 1
300, adventures in babysitting, alice in wonderland, almost famous, american beauty, american history x, anchorman, beetlejuice, being john malkovich, better off dead, big fish, boondock saints, bowling for columbine, boy's don't cry, carnival of souls, chicago, chronicles of narnia, clockwork orange, crash, dark city, dawn of the dead, deep impact, DERANGED, devil's rejects, dodgeball, donnie darko, don't tell mom the babysitter's dead, dreamcatcher, eastern promises, edward scissorhands, eight below, empire records, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, evil dead trilogy, fallen, fargo, ferris bueller's day off, fight club, forrest gump, friday, from hell, ghostbusters, gia, girl interrupted, grease, halloween (zombie), higher learning, house of 1000 corpses, house on haunted hill, interview with a vampire, jawbreaker, one of the guys, kiss the girls, labyrinth, look who's talking, lord of the rings, man on the moon (not jim carrey flick), memento, midnight in the garden of good and evil, mystic river, natural born killers, neverending story, new jersey chronicles, nightmare before christmas, no country for old men, nosferatu, office space, old school, once upon a time in mexico, pirates of the caribbean, poetic justice, poltergeist 1&2, princess mononoke, pulp fiction, queen of the damned, quills, requiem for a dream, resident evil, return to oz, roger rabbit, romeo+juliet, rules of attraction, saw, scream trilogy, se7en, secret window, shrek 2, sin city, slc punk, sleeping beauty, sleepy hollow, stay tuned, texas chainsaw massacre, the big lebowski, the breakfast club, the brothers grimm, the crow, the forgotten, the 40 year old virgin, the hand that rocks the cradle, the ring, the shawshank redemption, the skeleton key, the wall, the virgin suicides, thir13en ghosts, titanic, tombstone, underworld, underworld:evolution, v for vendetta, walk the line, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, witches of eastwick, zodiac.
simpsons, buffy, angel, futurama, south park, family guy, robot chicken, chappelle's show, ninja warrior, the soup, vh1!!!-i love the 70's, 80's, 90's...
see a grown man cry, now watch him die by Henry Rollins. HARRY POTTER!!! Bunny suicides!!!
I love reading and I have a wide range in taste, from fiction to non-fiction, history is very big to me and I love reading about the 1800's and early 1900's.
currently reading ghostwalk by rebecca stott. i like it.
idolatry is for fools and the weak.