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The Four Aces consist of four tough guys that don't take shit from nobody. They are best friend that protects there friends and are always there for each other. The Ace of Hearts is a person that is caring, Loving, and has a kind heart. He goes by the name of The GODFATHER(ZO). The Ace of Clubs is tough jack-ass that just wont take shit. He is always in black and if anybody fucks up, He will bring down the LAW!!! He goes by the name Jonny-4-fingers(John J.). The ace of Spades is a BIG-O-MAN(Jeff Evans). YOU GET IN HIS WAY....HE MAY JUST SIT ON YOU. NOBODY WILL EVER GET PASSED HIM. He goes by the name of BIG PAPPA. The last but not Least, The ace of Diamonds. This guy is a person that likes to stand out in a different STRANGE way. He will be the one that stays hidden, because that is there secret weapon. He goes by the name of The Reil F'n Deil(DAN-O). All together, We ARE the original Four Aces. "We play together, We die together. BAD BOYZ FOR LIFE!!!"
SO yeah
I love all sorts of music. I have always believed that music is a portal to your heart, and soul. Yet I perfer my Gospel Music. The Best out there to me!!!
I have never really been a movie person, but Boondocks Saints was my favorite.....
The Simpsons, ALL THE WAY!!!! And also Will Smith on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Family Guy, and other different things on cable. lol!!!!!
My one hero I would have to say is my dad. Things attack him left and right, but he is still here. Strong heart, powerful man. I know where I really get from.... Love you Dad!!!!!!