I'm pretty well rounded so it's easy for me to have fun doing anything. Normally this is where you would put what you like to do which always seems like people put the same thing (movies, hanging out with friends, etc.) but since everybody probably figured that I do that, I don't need to mention it. I do enjoy taking pictures, playing on the computer, video games, dancing, and whenever I can get a chance working out.
I must be a cool drinking buddy because I only seem to get invited to go out drinking so my answer would be friends that would want to do more then just drink with me.
I pretty much like every type of music but my favorite would be trance or techno. I like music I can dance to or music that can take me to a place that is far from reality.
Comedy and drama are some of my favorites. Action is okay sometimes and horror I almost hate. Not because it scares me it's because it doesn't and is usually doing a really bad job of trying. Mainly I'm looking for a movie that will make me think.
Lately there really hasn't been too many shows that are good. That's probably why I don't watch that much TV. I usually just pop in an episode from a box set of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, or Will and Grace.
I like to read books that help me learn how to do (or about something) new. Knowledge is power. Yes I said it, I'm a dork I know.
I would have to say that my hero is actually one of my best friends. Kathy you have taught me to be a strong person and to be independent. Thank you for changing my life.