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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Dana Tan was born and raised in Gotham City; from the youngest of ages Dana only knew heartbreak and was always forced to grow up quicker than she should. Her mother, Gwen Tinsly, was a small time American model who never really made it. She was very beautiful and talented; prolific in tap dancing, painting, and cooking. She had been hired by a small agency in Gotham and at first did well, but just like most Gothamites…she had to hit the bottom. Her career went upside down when she got tired of doing what the agency wanted of her all the time. Drugs, sex and alcohol became the vices she turned to, to escape her life.
Dana’s father, Futoshi Tan, was born in Japan and was a great sword maker, known mostly in south-east Japan. He was an excellent swordsman, and was born into a medium sized clan. They were a calm people, not bent on killing others; but they would defend themselves. Most knew the ancient traditions of the Samurai were becoming outdated in the new modern world. When he entered his thirties he had enough and decided to go to America to escape the hum-drum life in Japan. There he met a lost soul in Gwen. He took here away from her life of drugs and alcohol and gave her a reason to live again. He taught her the ways of meditation and ridding herself of her dark demons.
Both were in their early thirties and had their child, Dana Tan. The two were at peace and so content. Gotham City had given them a chance to be happy; they lived in the Asia Town district.
A few years went by. Dana had become an adorable six year old…she was playing in the backyard one day only to hear the blood curdling scream of her mother coming from inside the house. After that a large rumbling came to sound and her father’s lifeless body came crashing out of a window, falling into the backyard with Dana. The shock of seeing her father dead sent Dana into a deafening silence; she assumed her mother was also murdered. By chance, the killers left without even knowing poor Dana was in the backyard. It was rumored that the Yakuza came and killed Dana’s family due to an old feud with the Tan Clan…
Dana had no other family she knew of to turn to; her mother never spoke of any family and her father left his family in Japan. She ran from the crime scene searching for someone to help her; she found the mob. They gave her a home and a new life, albeit illegal. She sold drugs in exchange for her new home. She hated what she had become; her father had taught her the opposite. His words of fighting for a just cause rang through her head as she grew up and continued to do her evil job for the Mafia.
When she turned 14 she finally had enough; a nervous breakdown later she put a dagger through a mob boss’ head and she ran. Eventually she went to an apartment complex; she made a deal with the landlord to give her a room despite being underage and she would give him more money. She had made quite a bit of money in the drug racket. He agreed and she had a new home. She enrolled into the high school, forging papers to make sure everything worked legally.
She was alone…until she met Terry McGinnis. He gave her hope again; a reason to live. They went out for a few years and she was so happy. Graduation day came and she got accepted into Gotham University for Business with a minor in Romanticism Poetry. She even bought a run down block in the theatre district of Gotham turning it in Club Seduction; the most successful club in Gotham.
She did hit a speed bump when she turned 18…Terry broke up with her despite them being engaged. She was crushed and almost committed suicide. With the help of her friends she made it through the disaster a stronger person.
One of Dana’s friends, BloodRayne, introduced her to Red Dragon Island. There she became a student under Lord Red, later known to her as Ryu Hayabusa. She also trained under the Irish Virus, BloodRayne, Drago Shugoryuu, and Lady Blue. They became her family; all considered her brothers and sisters to this day. She studied on the Island developing her abilities that she inherited down from her Father. It came so natural…she admired her mentors and strived to be like them one day. The Island gave her a life she never imagined to have. She even began to help students and teachers alike. She was finally on the side of all that was good and just. She became a great warrior and a great teacher of the aesthetics of life.
Dana was forced to leave Gotham City and Red Dragon Island for months because of a showdown she was forced into. A kid nap attempt was made on her; she killed her enemies but of them told her the sad truth of her parent’s death: a rival clan in Japan had whipped out the Tan’s and were bent on destroying them in their entirety. Since her father went to America he and his wife were thought to be the last ones in existence…until they found out Dana was born. She sparred the man’s life since he gave her the details…she finally knew why her parents were taken away from her at such a young age. She made a vow to them that she would avenge them by making the name “Tan” known again.
She returned to Gotham City, even getting back with Terry. She returned to Gotham University completing her degree in Business and her minor in Romanticism Poetry. She did learn that Red Dragon Island was no more and that saddened her, however her friends were still around and became even closer to her.
Now Red Dragon Island is back and the loveable protégé of the Isle has also returned. She fights for the same principals her father put into her at a young age: Justice, Virtue and Righteousness.

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A mirror of course!

My Blog


My grandmother died the day before Thanksgiving.  Christmas was shallow.  New Years I was sick.  January has been worries about job security, meaningless times and a lack of creativity.  My life has c...
Posted by on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 20:39:00 GMT

Bad News

Many of you are probably wondering why I haven't been on.  At first it was because of celebrations, parties and just having a good time IRL... Things have taken a turn for the worse.  My Gra...
Posted by on Sat, 15 Nov 2008 06:30:00 GMT

Fall Menu Specials at Club Seduction

Fall Menu Specials at Club Seduction   Drink Specials Bluetinis Bluetinis are back!  Enjoy or delicately blended Martinis that are Blue in color!  They are fresh, frisky and tend to r...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 01:47:00 GMT

Dana’s Big Brother Audition

::The image was a blur momentarily as Dana was trying to put the video camera on a flat surface. She placed the camera on her book shelf; her hands were in the way of the lens as she wanted to make it...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 02:37:00 GMT

Update I guess

Well I made time to come on, slightly refreshed.  Hell I was hoping to come back even.  But after coming on I guess I feel slightly upset again. I have a reputation for being passionate...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 21:56:00 GMT

OOC: Suff that has been going on

I have to apologize for my absence.  Unfortunately only a few weeks after my return a very important personal incident occurred.  My best friend IRL attempted suicide.  Some of you may ...
Posted by on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 21:49:00 GMT

Danas Second Trip to Japan: Part 2

             My day had been tough for anyone, let alone a 16 year old girl with no family and no direction.  The mental anguish was wearing ...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 16:00:00 GMT

Danas Second Trip to Japan: Part 1

              I am recognized as "Master" in the league of Assassins.  I was granted this title at the age of 22; a rank unheard of in t...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 20:11:00 GMT

New Video I made

Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 19:06:00 GMT

Christmas Pics-UPDATED

Croc's pic reminded me.  If anyone needs a Christmas pic let me know here in my blog.  I had a few takers for Halloween and will try to accomodate any requests! Edit:  When the pics ar...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 11:59:00 GMT