Music, the outdoors, technology, games, gadgets and of course, my Fiance. I have also recently re-discovered a love for graphic design. I love being artistic, but I can't draw for crap, so I love Photoshop!
God...just not quite yet.
If it's not country or rap, you've got a pretty good chance of me liking it. Though I highly recommend Jason Ezzell and Brent Lindley. Also check out Carbon Leaf if you get a chance.
History of the World, Blazing Saddles, Pirates of the Carribean, Master and Commander, Blackhawk Down, Band of Brothers, Mr. Deeds, Waterboy, Happy Gilmore, Anchorman, all the LOTR movies. Basically, anything that makes me laugh or has explosions, shooting or swordfighting or any combination of the above. Pirates are always good too.
Not much. When I do watch, CNN, Discovery Channel, Comedy Central, TechTV X-Play, Daily Show, Mythbusters and Headline News make up the bulk of my TV.
Oh, geez...too many. Tolkien, Narnina, Robert Ludlum, Tom Clancy, Bill Bryson. I have also been known to enjoy the occasional Far Side, Get Fuzzy and Calvin and Hobbes. At the moment, fully engrossed in Steven King's dark tower series. This one is a bit of a departure for me, but I can't put them down.
Our Soldiers, police, firefighters and medics. People who stand up for what they believe, my Grandfather, Jesus. Oh, and pirates. Well, I guess Pirates aren't really heroes, especially in the company of the others I named, but I'm just on a pirate kick at the moment, so humor me.