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We know how difficult it can be for bands to break out of their own local area. Yet in order to progress a good band needs to be heard by more than the same people month in month out. We believe there are quality bands/artists out there that would greatly benefit from wider exposure. Currently it can be a nightmare for a band to find a gig outside its own area. Quite often the first response is not “how good are you?†but “how many can you bring with you?†yet what is the point of a band getting gigs outside their home if they are also expected to bring their own fans with them? They may as well stay at home….We also appreciate the difficulties faced by promoters who are under pressure to fill their venues. It is often easier to book local bands on the basis that they will bring a few people. Yet sometimes doesn’t this encourage booking of bands purely on the basis of how many friends they have rather than how good they are? Even between local bands?We hope here to try to bridge the chasm between the wants of bands and the needs of promoters. We hope that bands who contact us will be helped in their quest to break out of their hometowns. We also hope that promoters will be able to get quality bands to their venues and begin to build up an audience of music lovers rather than a transient audience that varies week by week and consists largely of a bands friends and family….We believe in keeping music live….we believe in fair play towards artists and bands….And we believe that there is an audience out there who will come to live music events if presented with quality music and entertainment.We know that this kind of thing has been tried before. We know that we are fighting against a strong current. But we believe that with our hard work helping both bands and promoters and the input of both sides of the equation that this CAN work.