&At the diligence of birth I was chosen Montana.
i'm reaching out
for my destination.
I’ve chosen a gentle and non-doctrinaire ideology that favors peace, love and personal freedom for myself. I’m beginning to look beyond the noticeable, learning about unexisting proclaims in my mind. I’m savaging around for a destination, a destination to where I break out and find the replica to the solutions of art.I’m searching for this change, this change to help my mind get back to existing. I have a hold of my own spectrum world.
i've got faith, i've got hope. i've got art in my heart. i've been waiting to paint a picture worth wild; indifferent, creative, gaping sensations. do any of you understand this creation of life?
"It is nothing new. We have a private revolution going on. A revolution of individuality and diversity that can only be private. Upon becoming a group movement, such a revolution ends up with imitators rather than participants. It is essentially a striving for realization of one's relationship to life and other people." —Bob Stubbs