Kristinn profile picture


Hey what you got something bad and I want it even though i know its wrong.

About Me

Hey, I'm Kristin and I like Dr. Pepper.

I don't exacally think i could put it all down. Soo message me =]
Kristin isn't a prep.
Before you judge other people and their choices, look at the situations from their point of view. Don't think you know it all when your not involved. We are the only ones that can make someone beleive different then what we are chosen to be.
Sudenly I'm starting to see that fakeness is contageous and I don't want the disease.

Hugs not drugs.
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My Interests

Hanging out with friends =-]

I like to beat my friends at Halo 2.

I'd like to meet:

Talk to me.
AOL Instant Messanger: kwingoluv72

I'd like to meet more people to make me smile.


a lot, look at my friends =]


Pirates of the Carabian 1&2 Beatle Juice The Nightmare Befor Christmas James and the Giant Peach Edward Scissor hands The Lost Boys Hot Chick The Breakfast Club Billy Madison Harry Potter Movies Faris Bueller's Day Off Interview With a Vampire


Mtv[some] Comedy Central Vh1 A&E[Criss Angel!] /select





I absolutely LOVE this chick.
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My Blog

Suzy <3

1. We learned about how to lose our sex. 2. You watched me fall off a blow up bed as millions of beeds went everywhere. 3. Two words "kick flip". 4.We talked about how were gonna be mermaids for chris...
Posted by KR!ST!N. on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 05:19:00 PST