Born and raised in washington DC to David and Alice Luk, the youngest of 4 boys, I was raised as probably the most spoiled. The rules of the house never really applied to me. For better or worse I was the one that was able to do more of the things my older brothers never could even consider in thought. Lets just say that my parents were old school traditional chinese i.e. CONSERVATIVE! I got away with murder!!! At a very young age I was exposed to the wonderful world of DC nightlife, if not for Alain (Quite possibly the biggest, next to my parents, influence in my life!) and the things Ive learned from him, this industry wouldve eaten me alive! This would explain how I’ve been apart of the DC club scene for a bit over a decade without getting in too much trouble. Ive done pretty much everything there is to do (job wise) from being a bouncer to a promoter. Yet the one thing that has eluded me is the DJ booth! As a semi professional photographer I get to see the energy of the crowd and how its affected by the music the Dj plays. Its almost as if he/ she would be the puppet masters. It truly makes me want to be behind those turn tables. Pursuing that interest bumped me into producing my very own track. About a month of trial and error, some friendly advice from Scumfrog, and a big help and influence from my local DJ friends (ED The Bruce, Neekola, Phlipz, OZ, Enferno...just to name a few), I was finally able to piect this track together and get it out there. Seems as if I might have a love for this sort of thing if not any talent. A Huge thanks to all that helped me pop my cherry and a huge thanks to the woman that inspired me to do this track!