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About Me

You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !Updated March 19, 2007 7:42 a.m. Hello I’m Claudia Kidd. Some of you just know me as Kidd, some of you know me as that freaky comic book chick who does the “gonzo” comic and is ‘Hunter S. Thomas’ in a younger female body…oh and I have all my hair. I swear I even do the three finger grab like he does….did. Spooky! Or you might know me as the fire performer/dancer, sideshow freak, escape artist, magician, the louder-smaller-shorter half of The Kidd and Tayng, the solo artist, are the independent that works with any talent that I think is fitting to my style. I have included an interview so that you will know a little bit more about me. Anything else you can always feel free to ask. Obsession/love of the month Todd Robbins check out He is the Dean of Coney Island. Also my adored Doc Swan be sure to check them out. Fun Fact: If you are a Penn and Teller fan- Doc taught Penn to eat fire… How cool is that?! At least that is what Penn said on his radio show. May it rest in peace.Interview with Sondra Lewis 3/10/2007 Lewis: I met Kidd at her old place as she was moving boxes. I asked to take a look at the top secret comic book that she is working on Kitty’s Toys number 3 ½ she says she would love to show me but she “ would have to scrape your eyes out.” She stood there dead pan and looked at he until she busted a smile and then she looked so sweet and child like. I couldn’t fathom that she would even say something like that. She stands about five foot six and she has this cute curly black hair that makes her look like a baby doll, big green eyes, ivory skin, the perfect completion. She is in junky punk rock clothing that are covered in patches, to be honest I was being nice when I asked about the bands when she gives me the background I just smile and nod. Frankly I care more about popular music when I bring up the Pussy Cat Dolls she cringes. I guess I have hit a nerve. After she talks about killing them in a comic book and laughs while I start to get pissed, we get down to the interview sitting on her bed, on the quilt her grandmother made for her. Kidd: So welcome. Lewis: Thanks… It’s colorful in here. Is that a wig? Kidd: No it’s mine…disappointed? Lewis: You are famous for them. Kidd: Sorry… But as for the room…This is nothing you should have seen my old place. It was wall to wall collages. This is kid’s stuff. K-i-d stuff. Tell me you jill off to the Pussy Cat Dolls or something and that you don’t actually listen to that shit they call music. Lewis: That was crass! (I am in shock because she has such an innocent face) No I listen to them. But this isn’t about me. Kidd: Right. Me. Got ‘ya. Ask me anything. Lewis: Why can’t I see your comic book? Kidd: I am not done with it, and I don’t want to jinx it. It’s important to me and all the money is going to charities so I have to make it a good one. Lewis: Why charities? Kidd: It’s a nasty story. You’re better off not asking. Lewis: Now I have to know, it’s like saying I have a secret, oh wait maybe I shouldn’t say anything. Kidd: Well a few years ago my sister had a baby, traumatic birth, the child was born dead…my niece was born dead. After what seemed like a life time and an acid trip, they brought her back, her heart was beating, but her brain was dead. So they shipped her off to the best children’s hospital in the state. I think they gave up on us because we had no money and no insurance. They put the hammer down on my sister to killer her baby. Do you have any idea how much life support costs? Lewis: No. I am so sorry. Kidd: Don’t be sorry, be mad. They dicked her around! They killed my niece! Fuck them… They have drives all the time and these wide eyed happy blond cheerleader types ask me for money then I say they killed my niece and that slaps the smile right off their faces. Fuck giving them money! Lewis: So whom do you give it to? Kidd: The Ronald McDonald House…the one place that made us feel like we where welcome. And Positive Link because I don’t want Bloomington to loose Positive Link. We haven’t started giving them the money yet. It starts with ALL YOU CAN EAT VOLUME THREE. It’s a collection of everything Baby Jade to this date that hasn’t been destroyed. There was a fire next door…smoke damage. Lewis: So why do you stalk celebrities in your comics and harass them? Kidd: To show that under all the lights and make up they are people too, pretty people, but people. So I make fun of that. I hate the word “celebrity” it’s like they are a different species then us. That and stalking is funny…when was the last time you had it so bad for a guy you stole his grass from his front yard? Lewis: Why? Just Why? Kidd: Why not? I GOT YOUR GRASS MOTHER FUCKER! It’s funny (laughs and covers her mouth she keeps on laughing through the next question) Lewis: Is it the punk thing to spit on you idols? Kidd: Have you read my comics? I worship the people I choose to put in it. Lewis: You’ve killed a few… Kidd: Yes but before that I worshiped them. If you make it into my comics it’s my way of saying that you are the shit. Even if I am calling you an ass…I wouldn’t waste paper on someone I didn’t like. Lewis: Is it true all of your friends are in it? Kidd: Most, not all. You have to be a bad girl or boy to be an original character in my comics. You have to be a bit of a nut to inspire one anyway. Mop, Jess and Manda are the only exception to that. Mop…She has a huge brain and breasts…she is a totally man magnet. She was one of my first comic book creations. Lewis: What about Kitty? Kidd: She was my first. She would kill my second grade teacher by chopping off her head and the students would dance in the blood like it was a sprinkler. Lewis: You need help. Kidd: I don’t listen to the Pussy Cat Dolls. I think I am one step ahead of you. (laughs and does a little dance) Lewis: What was that? Kidd: That was my "I am a ho”… I mean “Pussy Cat Doll” dance… (laughs even harder) Lewis: (sighs) You are mentally ill… Kidd: So? I know you have a point but I am just not seeing it. Lewis: Come on you write dirty comic books. You are a freak about celebrity, you are an escape artist, sideshow freak, fire performer…you do sick BIZZARE shit everyday. Kidd: You forgot magician… Lewis: Magic doesn’t count, magic is fake. Kidd: Magic takes skill. I was in a wheelchair. I had lost all the feeling in the right side of my body, and a little on the left. I thought I’d never walk again! I’m not the world’s best magician. I’m no bunny puller…fucking bunny pullers…But magic was something I thought that I would never ever be able to do after that. I still have nerve damage. I will never be the worlds best slight of hand artist...but I worked and I worked and I have gotten back a lot. And that is all that you can ask for. So don’t say that magic is fake, if any one could fake it then people would be able to figure out how some of the great new magicians are doing there amazing tricks, and they can’t. How about I show you Penn and Teller doing cups and balls with clear plastic cups and then you do the same routine for me…sound simple? Or Criss Angel’s walking on water, figure it out and then do it…Sounds good when you don’t have to do anything. Lewis: They do it to fast! And I don’t have the mind for magic… Kidd: So it took them time to get as good as they are… Lewis: Yes. Kidd: So shut up. It’s not like you just pick it up over night. You have to be one sharp tack to be a good magician. Don’t have the mind for magic… (she sighs) Surely you can do gimmicks…If David Blaine can dazzle people with a bite through quarter you can too. Lewis: I never really thought of it like that. I guess you do have to be smart. I am not about to pay ten dollar for a quarter. Kidd: Try thirteen to twenty depending on where you go. Lewis: Damn magic’s not cheap. What about the sideshow. I know Todd Robbins is smart. Kidd: He is amazing. Lewis: He is one of your heroes isn’t he? Kidd: Yes he is. Lewis: How did you get into the sideshow? Kidd: Ummm… I just kind of stumbled into it. Lewis: Uh…you stumble into being a window dresser, not a human pin cushion, glass walking, fire eating…thing. Kidd: Thanks I am a thing now. That is only to name a few of the things that I do since this is going out on the internet… I am multi talented and bendy if Sylvester The Jester is reading this…grrrrr human cartoon, you guys can check out his site at He is a doll. I am just playing with the “I want to eat him up.” I want to learn from him. He is smart as I will get out. He is one of those people that I would love to meet. Lewis: Smart is sexy! Kidd: I am saying! (We have a girly moment and talk about brainy guys that we as Kidd would say “dig” on) Lewis: Seriously, how did you learn? Kidd: Someone I love dearly taught me. Someone who has been doing his for a lot longer then anyone I have met. Someone I love. Lewis: Oh, A lover. Kidd: A rel-a-tive. I learned almost everything from him. I owe everything to him. He is the best escape artist on the planet…and if you ask me a wonderful magician. Damn good sideshow self made freak. I just got an email and I am going to an advanced sideshow school put on my Coney Island. I kind want to say that I want to go to the Coney Island school even though I know almost all of it. So I am thinking of going. Lewis: To skeeze on Todd? Kidd: To learn, sicko! I can learn from a new point of view, live in New York. Lewis: Drop a ton of cash… if you know it why re-learn it? Why won’t you name this relative? Kidd: I have in the past and he didn’t like it he said “my time was over it is your time to shine.” I love him so much; he is like a father to me so I want to respect his wishes. I will brag about him he is a master. Lewis: Why do you do such dangerous stuff like drink Windex, eat glass, hammer nails in your nose, and risk serious burns and DEATH by breathing and eating fire, am not going into the poi and the fire whips… Kidd: It’s real. When I am getting out of a straight jacket what you see me doing on stage I am really doing. When I do all of the above mentioned I am really doing. There is no trick. Once I poked o hole in my stomach swallowing a sword. It’s all real. Damn it now I remember what I needed to do today get a new straight jacket! Mine is to big… Lewis: What do your folks, family, and friends think? Kidd: My father thinks that I am insane and that I should focus on magic that is where I can do the most good. This “sideshow shit is too dangerous! You could get disfigured by fire, die from swallowing the glass, do I need to go on?” he always lectures me, it’s like I haven’t been doing this behind his back since I was a kid- oh wait I have! I AM A PROFESSIONAL I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING! I learned from a master. My mother never really says much other than “that’s nice.” When they tag team it they always act like it’s a silly little dream, something they can crush like they did all the others when I was a child... My sisters, well Johanna is proud of me I am fallowing my passion. My other sister her twin thinks that I am making this biggest mistake of my life and that I have fallen in with the wrong crowd…older, intelligent, successful, happy people… yeah I am in hell! Most of my friends do the same thing so they understand. They are wonderful. What about the ones that are not self made freaks, magicians and what not? Thankfully I have wonderful friends that never doubt that I am wonderful…they don’t think they know that I am great. So that makes it easier. Don’t get me wrong I really do love my family they just don’t understand. I would never question something that the wanted to do. I guess I have to pop out a munchkin before I get that kind of respect, it worked for my sisters. Lewis: What’s next for you? Kidd: Well I have to finish up this semester. Then I have the comic books-plural… I have too many of those to do. I have the advanced sideshow school. Maybe the normal sideshow school…you know to learn. Not to be near Todd (laughs) Why would I want to be near a master? That’s weird… More fire performance and dance, working out a television show with Tayng if she EVER GETS OFF HER ASS! Working out a radio show with Tayng… Lewis: If she ever gets off her ass? Kidd: You are a mentalist. A crappy one but from this day forth a mentalist! I’m working on some stuff with Molly Tov, hopefully Basement Boy, The Black Ferris, and Kirk, who has become an awesome juggler. I’m putting a show together… I am also working on some sweet inventions for magic with my papa. Lewis: Your Dad is a magician? Kidd: I kind of got him into it… yep and then more school… That is what is up with me. Lewis: Love life? Kidd: Single and staying that way I hope...Unless Jess and Manda have plans for me that I don’t know about… Do we ladies? Lewis: Is that an inside thing? Kidd: Yep. I have a ton of stuff that I am working on, in fact to much to keep in a row. I am sure that I have left at least five things out. But that is why we are revamping the main website. WHEN TAYNG GETS OFF HER ASS, then if well be updated. I am going to go ahead and update my stuff-with the exclusion of the pictures, in our case that takes two to tango… we are a duo. PLUS I have photos coming from a great local photographer. I’m going to see if he’ll do the photos for the website. He is very TALENTED…yes I am talking about you Dario.Note From Kidd: The website is being revamped I am still waiting on Tayng to assist in it…this could take a long time. You can check it out. it’s a lot out of date but soon I hope it will not be.Interview with Tracy Allen.. 10/31/06TA: Where did you get the name? CK: My Mother. TA: Are you and Kidd going to clown college together, you know after you get sick of the normal bullshit college life? CK: Hope So. I Fucking Hat e Clowns!!! I am just going to learn skills. TA: How long have you been eating fire? CK: Since I was knee high to a duck. I was a wee one. I have no idea how old I was. TA: Have you always been addicted to the sideshow? CK: Fuck yeah; tap that shit into my veins! Let me put a little plastic Todd Robbins on my dash board. They should make those! TA: What made you want to get into magic? CK: I didn’t talk for a while after my parent got divorced and I was in LOVE with Teller. I was watching Don’t Try This At Home, and he got run over by a truck… I screamed “NOT TELLER! KILL PENN!” Then I knew it was a trick… I wanted to be in Teller’s place. I was obsessed. Creepy story. TA: Would you call yourself the daredevil? CK: In a way, but I am not as cool as real daredevils. TA: How did you learn to eat fire? CK: It’s on my website go to Kidd I’ll tell you it was with a coat hanger and a rag! TA: Don’t you ever get like totally seriously burned? CK: Blood Blisters and what feel like coffee burns. I did burn my hair and had to shave my head. TA: HOT! CK: I could work it. TA: Have you ever fucked up and lit the floor on fire? Ck: (laughs) The Ugly Fucking Monkey!!!! They didn’t call. Take that soupy, not calling, I burnt your floor, BITCH! I’m loopy… I GUESS IN INDY THEY DON’T HAVE PHONES! TA: You and Kidd must get a lot of bumper doing this job. What’s it like? Any Skeezy skeezy? CK: Mainly Chicks. Always chicks. But I am a very happy woman I have a boy friend. TA: What kind of changes can we look forward to seeing in the new show? CK: It’ll be a dark comedy. More fire performance, dancing, spinning, eating, juggling, magic, blood, escapes, BDSM, Menstrual Show performances, it should be the most unique show of it’ s kind with less drunks, one hopes. TA: How do you see yourself? CK: Ill. TA: How do you think the public sees you? CK: Just Fine, freak and weird, but fine…maybe not so sick.. TA: Do you think they look at you differently when you are on stage? CK: I am not me I am something completely…it’s weird. Performing is easy, the show must go on. The worst that will happen is that they will hate you… I’ll take those odds. TA: When the fuck is that goddamn TV show going to come out? Kidd says that it needs to be edited. I want to see it DAMMIT! CK: Ask Tayng… I am sick of that question... TA: What are your goals for the Kidd and Tayng!? CK:”I want it all”-QueenMore interviews at I keep a blog be sure to check it out and this weekend I am working on my page… I’ll keep you posted. Cheers and Cold Beers.Dig It- The Kidd (Claudia)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Buster Keaton When He First started working With Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle... Then I Could Seduce Buster Keaton... That man was honestly-SEX ON LEGS!I'm going for the win... Rik mayall and Ade Edmonson... oooh eeer!Interesting non pervy people....and the pervy people know who they are...More fire performers!More Magicians.More Graphic Novel Artists.Escape Artists.Self Make Freaks-Freak Of All Kinds... Dear God Mat Fraser The Sexiest Man Alive! + He Has an Amazing Personality-he is a wonderful human being, and I ADORE HIM! - No getting all kinds of off topic by amazing men-and Buster and Mat are Amazing To Say The Least! Anyone who is really- "ONE OF US!"Anyone with sawdust in there veins…Artists.Kind Souls.And Punks...I might be a massive history buff, and I can rock almost any look, But I am a Punk and I am Proud.

My Blog


Hello Everyone,      I know that it has been a long time, BUT, I will be updateing my information, background, photos, and adding videos of me doing all my sick and twisted Self Ma...
Posted by on Mon, 12 May 2008 15:38:00 GMT

My sister who HATES ME is prego!

So I have two sisters...they are twins, the look nothing alike and they could not be any sisters were born one minute apart, my sister in texas says she is the older sister...I call her...
Posted by on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:22:00 GMT

Comic Info-Update KITTY'S TOYS 3 1/2

Hello everyone Baby Jade Comics re launch is coming along swimmingly.  Kitty's Toy's Issue Three and One Half: The short Title is "The famous Issue" is due out in stores and on the internet end o...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 23:15:00 GMT

Get my head shaved..kinda

I'm getting a Tank Girl CUT!!! I am so HAPPY! -KiDD
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 17:43:00 GMT

The flame is out...

The Kidd and Tayng broke up...  it's really for the best, and no we will not be getting back together.   -KiDD
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 03:11:00 GMT

Coney Island

1. I hate Brooklyn...   2.  I am never going to stay at that hotel-ever...  Fool me once shame on me...   3.Penn and Teller are right Todd is god.   4. Mat Fraiser's tounge wa...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 00:42:00 GMT

Coney Island Advanced Sideshow School.

I'm going out to New York for a few days to see Jess and Amanda  + go to The Coney Island Advanced Sideshow School...  This all starts on Friday...  wish me luck!   -KiDD
Posted by on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 23:32:00 GMT

honeysuckle rose

Watched Spite Marriage with Kirk and James last night.  Tayng has stood me up Two nights in a row.  She has pink eye so I really don't want to see her.  I need a new illness like I need...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 22:08:00 GMT

Advanced Side Show School, Magicians, Trouble with Tayng But All And All Good-HOMEWORK @ night

Hello Everyone&  I say that like people are reading this *sigh*       So I got an invite in my email to an advanced sideshow school weekend.  It's a big deal.  ...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:41:00 GMT


I am packing boxes to keep myself awake on my home work.  I am moving soon.  I shall call it the house of fun after the MADNESS song....  or maybe I need a nap.  But if I lay my he...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:02:00 GMT