the morgue menuep
First things first if your a pansy ass little bitch
who cant hande the raw stab your eardrum horrorcore hiphop
then leave this page immediately and read no further!!!!!
But for those who enjoy hearing the type of shit
that only a heartless skumbag " p.o.s." of society would say
and not worry at all about the consequences
and or repercussions of his actions then this is your kind of MUSIC!!!!
The Hannibal Jesster is a 22 year old lyracist doing his thang
to stand out in the game.
As you already know hip hop had been commercialzed 'n shit on
so many times by wak ass rappers with no talent
but making a pay check that they don't deserve ...THANX to m.c.'s like
The Hannibal Jesster and the S.Y.D.E.S.H.O.W. DEFORMITIES
because they help people see the potential underground cats
have you just need to broaden your listening .....
so that raw cats like this don't get slept on
and whack cats get the boot from your cd player,ipods etc....
and maybe even hep cats like this to get signed by spreading the wurd.....HJ was born in Sudbury Ontario at the Sudbury General Hospital on Feb.28th 1986 .As a child very he was creative artistic an just basically drawn to visual arts but as the years past and his imagination grew he begain to draw comics,posters,pastel paintings ,etc.Then und the age of 12 he learned how to play the guitar ad keptwith it 'bout 4years. At age 14 Jesse(HJ) composed one or two songs that no body really hurd not even really hiphop.With infleunces like Slipknot,Korn,Megadeath,Iron Maiden,Metallica,Black Sabbath,
Rage Against The Machine and so forth u can get a clue of what type of song wit was then like a year later as of 15 Jesse (HJ) began listen to Wutang Clan gravediggaz, Nas,Gravediggaz , Cypress Hill etc ....but B-Real was what really made him want to rap. So 15 Jesster or Jesse picks up a pen and gets at it writing under the alias JesseP an mostly freestyling in cyphers at party's, 2years later he switched his alias 2 m.c Infinity . A year later rapping with local cats recording a lil and he decided he had something solid with Rap. At 18 he met Ezg aka Pleonasm and created S.S.D. (S.y.d.e.s.h.o.w. Deformities)3years later Jdub The Iron Tongue joined in after rippin a giG with S.S.D. For unstated reasons S.S.D. is no more but maybe one day will reunite to make sum killer music we all fiend for.
Hannibal stands 4 the Murder and Jesster stands 4 the Humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So if you know Jesster than you will understand completely.
Several albums deep CopMorgue menu ep4 free ...
& the Hj's Brain Food-Food 4 Thought Lp comig soon 4 free dl ....
and his up coming album"Certified Skumbag"in the works right now......with a buncha known watch out y'all and spread the mothafuckin wurd!!!!!
morgue menuep
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