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About Me

Its begin Here / Aqui empieza Toda la musica ha sido producida x mi, en momentos d ocio y vacio mental me entretengo editando musica, emm este proyecto apenas esta empesando asi q de momento solo yo participo en la creacion de las canciones sin embargo, estoy abierto a sugerencias y colaboraciones, asi como la integracion d nuevos miembros con ganas ideas y mentes creativas q esten en el mismo canal q yo...All music has been produced by me, in moments of leisure and mental empty I enjoy editing some music, this project just have begin, so for the moment Im the only who participe in the creation of songs however, I am open to suggestions and collaborations, as well as the integration of new members with ideas and creative minds who are on the same channel that I ...

My Interests


Member Since: 28/03/2008
Band Members: Future Collab = KNK_13TH KuLT (since 6:27 pm 4/4/08!!!) on work!!!Actualmente solo yo = Producer / Beats y Basslines_creador Interesado en conseguir vocalista!!! o colaboradores, gente seria q le quiera hechar bolas, con gustos similares con ganas de crear material diferenteCurrently only I = Producer / Beats and Basslines creator. Interested in getting vocalist! Or collaborators, people with similar likes with a desire to create different material
Influences: Influencias Similar a mi proyecto / Similir band style influences = The prodigy The Chemical Brothers NIN UNKLE Dj shadow PendulumInfluencias personales / Personal influences = Daidalos! Bjork Celldweller Massive Attack String quartet tributes KRONOS quartet Rob Dougan Fatboy slim Lamb of God Metallica After Forever Chaice To-Mera Pantera Nujabes!! Toe Rammstein Aphex Twin Nobuo Uematsu South Daft Punk FORCES OF NATURE Lunatic Calm
Sounds Like: yo, beats potentes con algo de ritmos tipo Brokenbeat con dosis de Drum and Bass y mucho Bigbeat!
Record Label: sin contrato discográfico

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