iNteResado akO sa Mga taONg iNteResadO sakiN!! !! taLkiN ta pipz (peRsONaLLy OR ON tHa pHONe), ListeNiN ta MUsic, SHOPPIN!, sLeepiN, dRaWiN OR MagsULat Ng kaHit aNO.. .. basta! BUHAY TAMBAY!!! Hehehe ;p
aNyOne WHo's WiLLiNg ta accept tHa Way i aM speciaLLy MaH FLaWs.. bUt yOu gOtta be ReaL eNOugH ta be MaH FRieNd Fo i Hate pLastics aNd WaNNabe's.. gOts Me??
r&b, hiphop, and setimental songs though I'm not that familiar with titles and singers...
cRUeL iNteNtiONs, Fast aNd tHe FURiOUs, 2Fast2FuRiOUs, qUeeN OF tHe daMNed, LORd OF tHe RiNgs tRiLOgy, FiNaL destiNatiON 1&2, seReNdipity, tHe sWeetest tHiNg, 10 tHiNgs.. ..yOU gOt seRved, HONey.. .. aH basta! MadaMi! kaHit aNo NaMaNg MagaNda gUsto ko eH..
cHaRMed, sex iN tHe city.. kaHit aNO basta MagaNda
I'm more on magazines but Chicken Soup or any inspirational books will do..