Being metal is outta my reach! profile picture

Being metal is outta my reach!

You should know me by now, but if you don't..... then don't ask questions!

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Freedom - Image Hosting

My Interests

What wise quote fits you? [pics]*************

Your wise quote is:"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life" by Leo Buscaglia.
Yes, love is indeed what you desire in your life. If you have it or not is another matter, but it is in your eyes the most important feeling. You tend to be a romantic dreamer and want you and your love to have that kind of perfect love that you hear about in fairytales. However that can be hard to find, but it doesn't mean you are going to stop looking.
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Information i Leah is a restricted area. Authorised personel only
Which supersmash bros guy are you?
marioyour a true hero and good friend. you love your little red hat dont you mario? yes you do yes you do.
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I'd like to meet:

How Good are you at Certain Things?
Favorite Color
Sex - 75%

Romance - 85%

Self - Control - 60%

Kissing - 63%

Cuddling - 69%

Kinkiness - 47%

This fun quiz by KillianO - Taken 361 Times. Easy Money from Home! Get your share! ..

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What type of Personality do you have?(Girls Only)(Beautiful pictures)
You are in between...You are happy yet depressed at the same time. You're really cunfused about what is going to be in your future, but then again you aren't. You don't have a lot of friend and enjoy being alone, but also being around the people closest to you. The reason of your sadness is because of something in your past, but you try to make the best of it by pretending to be happy all of the time. Element: WaterSong: Going Under by: EvanescenceColors: Anything Earthy or Dark.. width="425" height="350" ..
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Get this video and more at whats your love like
hes a very sexy man dont change him and dont worry youll find him hes such a tiger
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Whats inside your soul? Boys and Girls (PICS)
You are very passionate and quite temperamental. While you can be moody, you always crave comfort. You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it. Sometimes is needed just try to be considerate when you do it. You believe that people see you for how you are, not how you look. But deep down, you know that's not exactly true.Your near future is still unknown, and a little scary. You'll get through wild times - and you'll textually enjoy it. You love fighting and accomplishing things. For you, falling in love has never been easy. You can only fall for someone who is very patient and persistent. Who really show you love and be with you no matter what. You're like me YAY!!! we should be friends.
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You are a perfect kiss. You wait for the exact right time to make it UNFORGETTABLE
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What JACKSON, ESP, DEAN Guitar are You?
You Are AJACKSON - KING VX Dave Mustaine [sig.]
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The purpose of this site is simple. It is here to boost my ego and promote subliminal messages as I waste your time. I am rather pleased with the site, thus far. I find it more pleasurable than a poke in the eye with one of those poking in the eye things. I do, however, recommend that you refrain from experimenting with poking yourself in the eye with one of those poking in the eye things for the purpose of pleasure. I tried it once and I can, indeed, tell you that I could not begin to shake a stick at all the pleasure I wasn't having and it wasn't for lack of shaking sticks. Let me just tell you, many a stick was shaken but to no avail. Just say no to poking in the eye things.

Your suggestions concerning this site are welcome. I just bought a brand new shredder

My Blog

Unspoken rules of myspace

1. If you..'re ugly, stop acting like you don..'t know it. The caption under your picture that says "Me Being Sexy" doesn..'t convince anyone. 2. To the people who have like 25,098 friends....are you ...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:05:00 PST


I HATE BEING SICK! Mostly because you can't even get a good nights sleep since you nearly soffocate yourself every time you close your mouth! It takes one to be sick and down with some sort of ailmen...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:43:00 PST

Life, Love, and Everything in Between

        Some of you already know what has been going on in my life, but most of you don't. For those of you who do not as well as the rest of you it's time for me to...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:05:00 PST

So that you know now....

List; so that you don't have to ask why anymore...  Your loyalty to me and everyone or everything that matters to you Your selflessness Your integrity Your strength Your devotion ...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 04:18:00 PST

Things I Learned From My Kids

For those who already have children past this age, this is hilarious.For those who have children this age, this is not funny. For those who have children nearing this age, this is a warning. For those...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 02:25:00 PST


Well, things have gone from good to bad to worse and now I'm hoping that this isn't all just the calm before the storm! Basically I have a lot of opportunities that if they go well, will make me a lot...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 02:06:00 PST

the perfect man

-Can make me laugh.-Loves football-Big hands-Can spend all day in bed with me watching movies-Loves pizza-Not marriage-phobic-Likes dogs-Wants a house-Believes in love letters-Holds doors for me-Likes...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 08:40:00 PST

2 u------------->

1000 Times For 1 If I have kissed you once,I have kissed you 1000 times.Each morning as I arise.Each night as I drift to sleep.Each hour of every day.Each moment before it goes away.The kisses shared ...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 05:13:00 PST

I just want a guy to try to be this:

Artist/Band: Urban KeithLyrics for Song: Making Memories Of UsLyrics for Album: Be Here I'm gonna be here for you babyI'll be a man of my own wordSpeak the language in a voice that you have never hear...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:50:00 PST

just for you

I do not know you well, but what I knowEnchants me, like a song sung far away.I cannot hear the words, but what they sayHangs softly on the hills where I must go. I see you furtively and note your ey...
Posted by Being metal is outta my reach! on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 09:14:00 PST