I like playing drums,I have 5 kits so far. Among my collection, are 2 vintage drum kits. One is a Beverley kit from 1969 in White Marine Pearl, and the other is a 1963 Premier "RINGO" kit in Blue Pearl with a matching 14"x4" "Royal Ace" snare. Cymbals:- I have a 16" Meinl Rock Crash,a Tosco 18" Flat Ride,a Camber 18" Crash/Ride, 2 Stagg Heavy Rock Crashes 16" and 18",a 20" Solar Ride,a pair of 14" Zyn Hi-Hats,a 20" Zyn Heavy Ride, a pair of Peace Element 14" Hi-Hats, a Peace Element 18" Rock Crash,and a Peace Element 20" Rock Ride....then we move on to my Zildjians....14" Hi-Hats, 2x16" thin crashes,2x 18" Crashes,2 20" Rides....ALL Avedis series. Sticks are a mixture of all sorts really, but my favourites are Vic Firth heavy Rock and a pair of Zildjians. I'm currently involved with 2 music projects,a blues/rock band whom I have to thank for giving me a new lease of life as far as drumming is concerned..so thank you Adam, Andy and Paul!,and I'm also playing with my old friend Dan Earthquake,that's NOT his real name of course....his real name is DANIEL Earthquake!!. Cheers Dan!. I also play guitar and have 2 electrics and a nice YAMAHA acoustic.Previous bands I've played in are:-Spanked,Louisiana Sun,James Deans Car,and the Kab. I am also a member of the Midlands Music Network,which is a non-profitable organisation committed to keeping music live. We run an acoustic evening at The Comedian pub in Tipton/Great Bridge. Anyone is welcome to come down and perform,tell jokes,recite poetry,juggle!.....in fact anything that ENTERTAINS....so if you are an entertainer of any description,why not share your talent with us?.....it's the FIRST Wednesday of every month....."COME ON DOWN"!!.
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