email: [email protected]
What we're about:
1) Local punk rock music. Hardcore and indie rock are well represented in Connecticut, but bands playing straight punk rock right now get lumped into either the folk or bar rock ghettos. I would help make it easier to play punk rock music without metal/arty influences. I particularly like old pop-punk, but whatever.
2) Documenting music from Manchester in particular, punk or not.
3) Legitimizing the CD-R (with photocopied sleeves) as the most affordable and therefore the most DIY format for releasing music, by putting out stuff that sounds good and is packaged nicely in this manner.
As I've started getting this "label" off the ground, I've felt the need to concede to this unspoken snobbery about what constitutes a "legitimate" release by pressing "real" CD's or putting stuff out on vinyl or (jesus christ) cassette. What I soon learned is that putting out "real" CDs/records/tapes is fucking expensive. It is a rich kid's game and it IS NOT FUCKING PUNK to spend extra money putting stuff out on technically inferior formats which happen to be hip right now. So I may occasionally be able to afford something nicer than CD-Rs, but I think most of what we release will be in that format.
What's in the Works:
DF!03 - Kids Called Crazy/Post-Modern Sounds split CD - "The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things". $5, 16 songs. This is finally out! It's half-gone! Get it fast!
DF!05 - Post-Modern Sounds - "Literal Tension" EP New songs from PMS. Due out in the Summer.
DF!06 - V/A - Manchester Compilation - This will be a really neat compilation of bands with roots in Manchester, CT. I have gotten a few bands from back in the day involved and I am hoping I will get a lot more! Confirmed so far: Steadfast, Maude, Dead Uncles, Ripshit, Oiltanker, Panda and Child, Kids Called Crazy. Probably Subterra and As Dead As Dreams too.