I like reading, and hanging out with my boyfriend. I like taking long baths and watching T.V.
Hmmmmm...I think that I would like to meet Santa and the Easter bunny. I invited them to tea last year but neither of them showed up. I slaved over my easy bake oven all day and those assholes didn't show up!!
I love enya, and showtunes....Lots and lots of showtunes.
Lord of the Rings, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Titan AE, Disney princess movies, Star Wars, and Pirates of the Carribean
Star Trek, Law and Order, Charmed,and Lots of reality tv.
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Orson Scott Card, Anne Bishop, Anne McCaffery, Tamora Peirce and tons of other authors
Myself...I keep myself from dying on a daily basis so therefore I am my own hero!