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I am here for Friends

About Me

jUsT lOvE tO eAt cHocOlaTes & iCe CrEam!! cHug dOwn iCe bLeNdEd cOFfEe!!! lOvE to pLay wiTh my niEcEs aNd mY cHubBy NepHew!! aNd mOsT oF aLL i LoooooVVVVeeeee EatiNg sEssiOns wiTh my BIG FISH!!!

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

pEoPle wHo hAve The sAme iNtEresT aS mIne.


RnB, aLtErnAtiVe, RoCk, piAnO iNstRumEntAL