I would like to meet people and groups with Global Universal Purpose to create documentary films, music, teach in conferences and create an Island, a village, a world of a New Humanity within which people are valued for who they are and how they can help the world to excel. I have been working for 12 years on Rose Parvin Global Peace and Reform Program and Rose Revolution of Compassion. Rose Global Peace is through Dialogue through multi-dimensions of creative art and science and Mind-Body- Multi-Dimensions and Spirit Power Balance. Music & Dance has Healing Power beyond the body. It is the movement of mind and spirit. It changes Mind Chemistry. In Mind-Body –Spirit Self Dialogue, Revelatory Song /Dance Movement you fly to your spirit & unite with God & the Holy Spirit!Let's change the patterns of music, film, etic,..and create a new interpretation of the world; a world we can all live in; together, in security, prosperity, freedom, peace and harmony! We can change the past patterns & create new ones! We are not our patterns. We are all Godlike!I will plant a red rose in your heart and change your patterns from dark to light and together we build Rose Domes of the Rose Religion embracing all race, religion and culture and go beyond it creating a New Humanity and a New Culture of being Human Godlike! This movement, Rose Revolution of Compassion & Global Peace and Reform already. Join us as the Eternal Rose Leaves independent yet interdependent in the Rose Society & Village. Together we reclaim, save the earth and bring victory to the light! A free world; free from all fears, addictions & pain. The New Free World; New Humanity with Patterns of Diverse Unity, People Power, Choice Power, Leadership Excellence; A Free Spirit Movement in Joy, Compassion & Mastery! Dare to live your passion! Dare to be different. Accept your different-ness and that of others! Dare to live free! Free God, Free Me!