Mistletein profile picture


Dead...and loving it

About Me

Well lets see...I'm an undead warlock and i like to party. I like to gank Alliance, eat their flesh, steal their souls and party with my fellow Horde. In my spare time you might catch me fishing, gathering Herbs for my garden, cooking( haha yea right), making Potions or riding around the world of Lorderon with my faithful Dreadsteed Countess Elizabeth Bathory or my badass raptor Petunia.I'm a pretty simple gal just looking to get a piece of that pie in life, maybe have a few kids with a lucky member of the horde ;-P but who knows. I'm still young, relativly, so i don't wanna tie myself down to anything right now.I'm really into PVP right now so let me know if your down for some AB, AV, WSG, or just some good ole fashion gankin. Lookout red ridge here i come!!Holla

My Interests

Cannibalism, ganking, pwning noobs, owning noobs, killing noobs, fearing noobs into mobs, eating noobs bodies, deathcoiling motherfuckers, CoE+Soul Fire+ Death Coil + shadowbolt+ Shadowburn=dead noob.

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!




Go to youtube and search " we so pwned this funeral". ktnx bai


Spellbound tome, Fire Runed Glimoire, Satanic Bible.


Hoofarted the everlasting, Agrippa the great, Fulci the jawless, Notuhnerd aka Noobuhnerd, and Lovetigress the nublet