Archy Teck profile picture

Archy Teck

About Me

One evening a boy got bored. He already had a band but fancied a change. He listened to a LOT of shit, and he thought, "Hey there kiddo, this shit sounds pretty easy"... so he tried to makes some. Although a far easier way to make shit would have been to eat a LOT of food and wait for nature to take its course, he went and bought some cheap shitty music software. With this he used thousands of samples and made some shit. Good loverly shit. Here it is. That boy was me, and this is my music. Well... My OTHER music. (P.S. PLEASE listen to my band :P)

My Interests


Member Since: 27/03/2008
Band Members: IT IS I!!!! Tim Rudd, from Goodbye Cruel World.
Influences: !!!, Acid Jacks, Alex Gopher, All Night Dance Party, Bricolage, Cansei de Ser Sexy, Caribou, Crystal Castles, Crystal Method, Curses!, Daft Punk, Dandi Wind, Datarock, Death Set, Does It Offend You, Yeah?, Felix da Housecat, Foals, The Glass, Guns 'N' Bombs, Hadouken!, Hot Chip, Ima Robot, Junior Boys, Kitsune Label, Klaxons, Ladytron, Lazy Fingers, LCD Soundsystem, Letters And Colours, Los Campesinos!, Lovely Chords, M.I.A, Magik Johnson, Mars Volta, Metronomy, Mother and The Addicts, Nelson, The Neon Plastix, New Young Pony Club, Nostalgic Dance Orchestra, Pink & Brown, The Presets, The Prodigy, Psapp, Rapture, REVL9N, Shitdisco, Shychild, Supersystem, The Teenagers, Test Icicles, These New Puritans, Vitalic, We Are Wolves, White Rose Movement, Yelle, Hell, I'd list some more but with all the new shiznit that be comin' at mah ears all the time I wouldn't be able to stop...
Sounds Like: A boy eating a computer and crapping it out whilst tripping out at some shit dirty STI infested thing. (Y)
Record Label: Unsigned

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