eEL profile picture


i prollly hate you, tooo

About Me

i'm a very eclectic person. also blakk sheeep of my own family... welll, me and my brother share that responsibility reallly. old skoool punk skater with a horrrid amount of artistic tastes—be it heard or seeen.
I'm also 87% which is NEVER a bad thing!

Things i'd like to own one day ::

Recently played trakks ::

Skinny Puppy - Smothered Hope (M'era Luna 2005) [Pro-Shot]

My Interests

my daughter, son, and wife, hangin with friends, industrial music, skateboarding, smokin, drinkin, smokin 'other,' horrror movies, art, dark ambient music, experimenting with sound, Xbox and searching the deeep corners of my mind.

--some of my fave artists--

I'd like to meet:

William Burroughs & Dwayne Goettel... R.I.P., cEvin Key & Nivek Ogre [again and again], Genesis P-Orridge, Jenna Jameson, Carmen Electra... and Katrin Siska


Skinny Puppy, Download, cEvin Key, Doubting Thomas, Ohgr, Hilt, Plateau, The Tear Garden, Bile, Chaos As Shelter, Dead Can Dance, Throbbing Gristle, Merzbow, DJ? Acucrack, Butthole Surfers, Dead Kennedys, Assemblage 23, Funker Vogt, The Haters, Massive Attack, Coil, Sonic Youth, VNV Nation, The Exploited, Wolfsheim, Prince, Björk, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Beastie Boys, Bad Brains, Z'ev, Dead Voices On Air, D.R.I., Einstürzende Neubauten, G.B.H., Gwar, Front 242, God Lives Underwater, Dead Milkmen, Lycia, Front Line Assembly, Haujobb, The Legendary Pink Dots, KMFDM, Meat Beat Manifesto, Ministry, :Wumpscut:, Monstrare, Ramones, Robert Rich, Misfits, Vidna Obmana, Slayer, Run-D.M.C., Tool, ...and Underworld. just to name a few.


Evil Dead series, Skinny Puppy: Ain't It Dead Yet? Live, Skinny Puppy: The Greater Wrong Of The Right Tour, Manson Family, Dead Alive, Lucio Fulci's: Zombie, Suspiria, Alien Quadrilogy, Blood Feast, the whole Star Wars saga, Return Of The Living Dead, Meat Beat Manifesto: In Dub 5.1 Surround, Frailty, Tetsuo: Iron Man, Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange, Dark City, In The Mouth Of Madness, Dune, Donnie Darko, Underworld: Everything, Everything, The Exorcist, Bad Taste, Predator, Blade Runner, Spongebob: The Movie, Romero's: Night, Dawn, Day, and Land Of The Dead, the new Dawn Of The Dead, Shaun Of The Dead, Ju-On, Lords Of Dogtown, House Of 1,000 Corpses, Devils Rejects, VNV Nation: Past Perfect Live, and a ton of others; esp. b-movie horrror...


i fukkin HATE the television. period.


Marquis De Sade: 120 Days Of Sodomy and Other Writings, William Burroughs: Naked Lunch, Jolene Siana: Go Ask Ogre- Letters from a Deathrock Cutter, Bruce Campbell: If Chins Could Kill, Max Brooks: Zombie Survival Guide, Simon Ford: Wreckers of Civilization- The Story Of Coum Transmissions & Throbbing Gristle, Painful But Fabulous- The Lives and Art of Genesis P-Orridge, The Malcontents: The Best Bitter, Cynical, and Satirical Writing in the World, Terence McKenna: Food Of The Gods, ...and some more. overalll, i don't reallly read that much.

My Blog


Hosted By: BronzeBed, Leem, & dixie flatlineWhen: Friday May 30, 2008 at 8:00 PMWhere: Ulana's2nd & BainbridgePhiladelphia, PA 19147United StatesDescription:dixie flatline Click Here To View Event...
Posted by eEL on Fri, 23 May 2008 07:28:00 PST